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標題Fire on the Mountain
It was a beautiful spring in 2000, and the government had begun a routine controlled burn in one of New Mexico's forests. The purpose was to reduce the overgrown forest in order to prevent a devastating wildfire. Due to a combination of human error and unusual weather, this planned burn turned into the very thing the government was hoping to prevent-a massive wildfire that burned thousands of acres of forest, causing 11,000 people to evacuate and leaving 400 families homeless.
The nearby community of Los Alamos, New Mexico, was hardest hit when the “Cerro Grande” wildfire swept through. After 280 homes were burned to the ground, local residents considered this as a “wake-up call” to design better protected landscaping in the future. The small community of Los Alamos was not, however, the only one in America to receive this wake-up call. A total of 122,827 wildfires burned across the country in 2000, leaving 8.4 million acres of land charred and desolate. People in the U.S. have seen the need to protect their homes from the wildfire. A lot have been done to help make their homes safer, such as making sure an outdoor water supply is available. Planting fire-resistant vegetation (plants that do not easily catch fire) and trimming trees and bushes are other popular fireproof measures.
Fire suppression in national forests is a big factor in causing disastrous wild fires. Small, natural fires are needed to maintain a healthy forest, and by preventing such fires, we are setting the forests up for catastrophic wildfires. The government is well aware of this, so instead of preventing natural fires, they set controlled fires to the forests. A controlled fire, however, caused major disasters like the Cerro Grande wildfire. Maybe more effort should be made to strike a better balance between natural and artificial fires.

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:台灣中華電信 | Posted:2006-07-15 21:12 |
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其實用翻譯軟體加上事後的辭句潤飾, 是既快又方便的做法.

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [1 樓] From:美國加洲 | Posted:2006-07-16 02:29 |

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