平行气手印 - 平衡五大元素 / Samana Mudra - Balances Five Elements
Sluggish restoration? Dull face ? Try Samana Mudra!
■ 操作
1. 以食指、中指、无名指及尾指指尖,触碰拇指指尖
connect tips of index, middle, ring & little finger to tip of thumb
■ 平行气手印的功效
Benefits of Samana Mudra
1. 平衡新陈代谢
balances the metabolism
2. 改善肝功能
improves liver function
3. 改善食欲
improves appetitie
4. 活化消化系统
activates digestive system
5. 平衡五大元素(火、风、空、地、水)
balances all five elements ( Agni、Vayu、Shunya、Bhūmi、Jala )
■ 注意
1. 每天练习15-30分钟
practise each day for 15-30 minutes
2. 餐前练习5分钟,有助排除毒素及帮助消化
practise for 5 minutes before each meal, for toxin-elimination & better digestion
3. 把「喙」指向有需要的身体部位,有助提供额外能量及加速康复
point the "beck" to any body part, to direct extra energy or promote healing