下面是引用烈于2005-06-10 20:55发表的 :
还有2个载点下面是引用烈于2005-06-10 22:09发表的 :
After the final step in the previous section, your system should boot from the floppy drive and leave you at the “A:>” DOS prompt. Locate the “AWDFLASH” utility and BIOS upgrade file on the floppy disk, execute the BIOS install utility by typing in “awdflash <BIOS upgrade filename>.bin” (e.g. awdflash 45e102.bin) and then press “Enter”.
The utility will display the message “File Name to Program: <filename>.bin” in addition to another message “Please input file name” – ignore this message and wait for the “Please wait” message to appear.
After a short while, system will next display the following message “Do you want to Save BIOS (Y/N)?”. This question refers to saving the current or existing BIOS. Press “N” for No.
The system will next display the message “Press ‘Y’ to program or ‘N’ to exit?”. Press ‘Y’ for Yes.
You must wait while the system is processing the upgrade. You must NOT turn off the power or reset the system during this step.
用floppy开机, 在dos下的"a:>"
键入awdflash <BIOS upgrade filename>.bin -->按[Enter]
(例: awdflash 45e102.bin)
忽略"File Name to Program: <BIOS upgrade filename>.bin"
"Please input file name"
等待"Please wait"
一会儿会显示"Do you want to Save BIOS (Y/N)?"
跟着显示“Press ‘Y’ to program or ‘N’ to exit?”
开始upgrade bios
upgrade bios期间
不能关机/重新开机upgrade bios完毕会显示
“Flashing complete, remove floppy diskette and hit <F1> to continue”