下面是引用 e1242656 於 2015-04-07 17:11 發表的 : 買正版當然是好事一堆伺服器等你去過濾雖然說現在台灣玩家人數好像差不多絕種了但還有BOT陪打也不錯~或是你可以改玩CSGO人似乎挺多的 玩法也多樣P.S.我很期待C$Q結束營運的時候會不會又有人回來玩1.6?雖然說代理CSO地區以外的地方已經有開Steam版的CSO了..
How to not make a video game:-Make one team super OP-Use a 17 year old game engine-Add microtransactions-Add crafting (as opposed to actually getting a weapon)-Make craftable weapons only last a few days-Make everything overpriced-Put in tons of camping locations-Re-use content from a 10 year old game-Your zombie is an octagon (I wish I was joking)-Pretend it's a horror game-Foggify old maps to pretend they are new-Make a crappy sound play every time someone dies-Use an over-saturated game idea-License a completely unrelated series-Put your company name in the title-Make it 2GB, because that's the size a game from 17 years ago is supposed to be, right?-Make the menus incredibly hard to understand-Make it free to play-Let the bad reviews come inAnd have fun, your crappy game is complete.TL;DR:The icon art wouldn't have made a bad game..