Handy Converter v1.22
系通需求: XScale.WM2003.WM5.WM6
超方便的~以前都是上網做單位轉換, 現在用PDA拉~酷~!!!趕快來這裡下載:http://rapidshare.com/files/1842835....v1.22-Tyra.CAB.

Handy Converter is all-in-one currency and unit conversion solution for Windows Mobile Pocket PC. How many times did you need to convert one unit to another and did not remember the way to do it? How many times did you need to make extensive currency calculations in front of exchange booth or when travelling? No matter what you need to convert into, Handy Converter has the answer.
Handy Converter lets you save your time and money by professionally performing various currency calculations and units of measure conversion right on your mobile screen. Whether you are on a business trip, vacation or out of office leave the calculations to Handy Converter!
Supported languages: English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Chinese (Traditional), Chinese (Simplified).
Opportunities you gain with Handy Converter software:
# Quickly and easily convert given amount of money to all the major currencies (up to 57)! Exchange rates are provided by Bank of Canada and automatically updated daily. You can also change the rate of currency manually. Be sure in your purchases and money exchanges with Handy Converter in your pocket!
# Always stay up-to-date on the currency rates by downloading them right on your mobile device. Now you don't need to approximate, guess or have your PC on hand to know the latest currency exchange rates!
# Use this conversion tool for daily conversion in everyday life. Convert different types of size: clothes, shirts and shoes from 7 main international scales. All measures are converting separately for women, men and kids.
# Complete all the scientific unit conversions that you are looking for. Handy Converter provides high precision and reliable conversions of temperature, length, weight, area, volume, speed, power and torque. All in all more than 50 units.
# Find the value evaluation simultaneously during your input, so you don't need an extra action to find the results.
# Get all the required calculations easily without complicated menus and needless steps thanks to extremely easy, smart and user friendly interface. Further to accurate conversions you will enjoy attractive vivid design.
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