访客只能看到部份内容,免费 加入会员 或由脸书 Google 可以看到全部内容
好像也记得这个名称, 不记得荧幕是怎样的, 有没有图?
After Dark 3.0 was a failure. It did not continue our high technical and artistic standards and did poorly in the marketplace. The publisher was bought out by Sierra Online which was bought out by other companies who probably don’t know we created the original product. Unfortunately, After Dark's publisher has given up on the product, failing to support Windows NT, 2000, Mac OS9 & OS X.
下面是引用Kilian于2005-09-15 05:00发表的 : 见到那个 Flying Toaster 就记起了! 自己没有用过, 应该在杂志看过;请问阁下用 IE?现在还要 $ .......