
[分享] 蜜蜂的教训
灵命日粮 - 2005年4月19日
读经: 列王记下7章1-11节
金句: 「愿耶和华的赎民说这话。」(诗篇107篇2节)
全年读经: 诗篇25-27篇
几年前,我摆设了一个蜂房,想饲养附近一个蜂窝里的蜜蜂。一开始我先抓来一只蜜蜂放进杯子里,将杯子搁在蜂房上,等待那只蜜蜂去发现这个大宝藏。当它吃饱喝足后,这只蜜蜂直奔回自己的蜂窝,不久之后,它带着另外十多只蜜蜂一起回来,接着这些蜜蜂又带来更多蜜蜂,直到最后所有蜜蜂倾巢而出,遍满整个蜂房。没多久的时间,就将全部的蜜糖都带回蜂窝去。 多么值得学习的一课啊!我们是否有将自己所寻找到的「那一位」告诉别人呢?基督把传报「好消息」的任务托付给我们,我们这些已经从磐石---耶稣基督---找着蜂蜜的人,难道对他人的关心还比不上一只蜜蜂吗?
可能你身边就有人活在罪中, 噢,快去告诉他那真实故事; 有一人为救回失丧灵魂而死, 噢,为的将你身旁的人带回。Forsythe
当你一旦尝过生命灵粮,必定会想与人分享。 **************************************************************************************************** Lesson From A Honey Bee
Read:2 Kings 7:1-11 Let the redeemed of the Lord say so. —Psalm 107:2
Bible In One Year: Psalm 25-27
Years ago I set out a honeycomb to feed some bees that had a hive a short distance away. To start the process I captured one bee in a cup, placed it over the honeycomb, and waited until the bee discovered the treasure. When it was filled and satisfied, it flew directly to the hive. After a moment the bee returned with a dozen others. These in turn brought many more, until finally a swarm of bees covered the comb and soon had carried all the honey into the hive.
What a lesson for us! Are we telling others about the One we have found? Christ has committed to us the proclamation of the "good news." Shall we who have found honey in the Rock—Christ Jesus—be less considerate of others than the bees are?
The four lepers who sat just outside the gate of Samaria, after they had found food in the tents of the Syrians who had fled in the night, passed on the good news. They said one to another, "We are not doing right. This day is a day of good news, and we remain silent. . . . Let us go and tell the king's household" (2 Kings 7:9).
The child of God who knows the good tidings of the gospel does not do right if he fails to pass it on to others. Tell a hungry soul about Christ today. —M. R. De Haan, M.D.
Close to your door may be someone in sin, O tell him the story true Of Him who died his lost soul for to win— O bring the one next to you! —Forsythe
Once you've tasted the Bread of Life, you'll want to share it.
******************************************************************************** 这是我的身体,为你们舍的,你们应当如此行,为的是记念我。路加22:19 ********************************************************************************