探索填字游戏的奇妙世界 Exploring the Amazing World of Crossword Puzzles
Exploring the Amazing World of Crossword Puzzles
#素养 #社交人际 #休闲旅游 #游戏 #娱乐·新奇
12/14 生活英语
作者 Enjoy Editors
阅读时间 4分钟
听讲解 听朗读
Exploring the Amazing World of Crossword Puzzles
目录 / Tips in Use 重点解析 / You Can Do This 英文试金石 / 中文翻译
核心素养|本集 精彩教学影片(讲解老师:Shane& Bernice老师)
The game has entertained people for more than 100 years.
Whether alone or with family and friends, people enjoy solving crossword puzzles. It can be a satisfying and relaxing way to spend time. In fact, they have a longer history than some people might know.
The first crossword puzzle was called “FUN’s Word-Cross Puzzle.” It was created for the New York World newspaper in December 1913. A few weeks later, the newspaper changed the name of the puzzle to “Cross-Word” by accident . Then, the game became even more popular after World War I. Many other newspapers also started to print crossword puzzles, except for the New York Times . They refused to print puzzles because they thought serious newspapers shouldn’t contain games and that they did not need crossword puzzles to attract readers.
During World War II, their view changed. However, the New York Times didn’t want to just add a puzzle. They wanted to have the best puzzles. In 1942, they hired Margaret Farrar, a former editor of crosswords for the New York World . She helped the New York Times become the best place to play crossword puzzles, and its reputation still holds today. Farrar also developed many game rules that continue to be followed by crossword puzzle makers around the world.
Words in Use
view [vju]
vt. 将……看成,看待;(观)看
n. 观点;视野,景色
editor [ˋɛdɪtɚ]
n. 编者,编辑
explore [ɪkˋsplor]
vt. 探寻,探索;寻找
entertain [͵ɛntɚˋten]
.vt. 娱乐
reputation [͵rɛpjəˋteʃən]
n. 名誉,名声
relaxing [rɪˋlæksɪŋ]
a. 令人放松的
Practical Phrases
by accident 无意地,意外地
Jerry hit the woman by accident and apologized to her.
continue to V 继续做……
Although it started to rain, Dennis continued to jog.
a crossword puzzle 填字游戏
It took Eric four hours to solve the crossword puzzle.
艾瑞克花了 4 小时才解开这个字谜游戏。
except for... 除了⋯⋯之外
No one can do it except for Peter.
refuse to V 拒绝(做)⋯⋯
I refuse to go dancing tonight.
Tips in Use 重点解析
♦介绍 whether... or... 的用法
1. 副词连接词 whether 表「不论、不管」,与 or 连用,引导副词子句修饰主要子句,表示无论是哪种可能性,结果都一样,句型如下:
Whether... or..., S + V 无论是⋯⋯或是⋯⋯,⋯⋯
例: Whether it is a school day or holiday, Teddy always gets up early.
2. whether 子句的结构为「主词 + be 动词...」,而且子句中的主词与主要子句的主词相同时,可将该主词及 be 动
例:Whether you are interested or not, you haveto attend this meeting.
= Whether interested or not, you have toattend this meeting.
Whether people are alone or with family and friends, people enjoy solving crossword puzzles.
You Can Do This 英文试金石
❶ 有一群人被派去探索森林并绘制出该地区的地图。
A group of people was sent to ______ the forest and map out the area.
❷ 玛莎在夏威夷过了一个令人放松的假期。
Martha had a(n) __________ holiday in Hawaii.
❸ 我们必须尊重别人对保护环境的看法。
We must respect others’ ______ about protecting the environment.
答案: 1. explore 2. relaxing 3. views
第一个填字游戏被称为「FUN’s Word-Cross Puzzle」。它是1913 年十二月为《纽约世界报》所创造的。几周后,该报无意间将填字游戏的名称改为「Cross-Word」。接着,第一次世界大战后该游戏变得更加流行。其他许多报纸也开始印刷填字游戏,除了《纽约时报》以外。他们拒绝印刷填字游戏是因为他们认为严肃的报纸不应该包含游戏,而且他们并不需要填字游戏来吸引读者。
第二次世界大战期间,他们的看法改变了。然而,《纽约时报》并不只是想添加一个填字游戏而已。他们想要最好的谜题。1942 年,他们聘请了《纽约世界报》前填字游戏编辑玛格丽特.法拉尔。她帮助《纽约时报》成为玩填字游戏的最佳选择,其声誉至今仍保持不变。法拉尔还制定了许多游戏规则,并继续被世界各地的填字游戏作者所遵循。