小弟我挂了好几天的bt后,就想让我心爱的电脑让他释放一下记忆体,重开机后就发生蓝色画面,试过了好几次还是一样~”~我想会不会又是软体出了什么问题阿@@”后来我就想干脆我换回win2000好了 (本来是XP sp2) ,2000放进去后一切正常,但是在检查硬体那里的最后时,出现了这一段:
This is the first time you’re seen this stop error screen, start your computer. If this screen appears again, follow □ese steps?
Check to make sure any new hardware or software is properly installed this is a new installation. Ask your hardware or software Manufacturer or any windows ..
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