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[1.6][插件] (高手请入)改了sma为甚么转不到amxx?

    -*- [BB] Default Zombie Classes -*-

    - Description -

    This plugin adds the default zombie classes from Zombie Plague
    into Base Builder. All credit belongs to MeRcyLeZZ.

    All classes have been balanced, but feel free to edit them if
    you are not satisfied.


#include <amxmodx>
#include <basebuilder>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <fun>
#include <cstrike>

 [Plugin Customization]

// Classic Zombie Attributes
new const zclass1_name[] = { "一般丧尸" }
new const zclass1_info[] = { "能力平均" }
new const zclass1_model[] = { "bb_zombie_allinone" }
new const zclass1_clawmodel[] = { "v_knife_bb_zombie_allinone" }
const zclass1_health = 3000
const zclass1_speed = 260
const Float:zclass1_gravity = 1.0
const zclass1_adminflags = ADMIN_ALL

// Fast Zombie Attributes
new const zclass2_name[] = { "速度丧尸" }
new const zclass2_info[] = { "疾速" }
new const zclass2_model[] = { "bb_zombie_fast" }
new const zclass2_clawmodel[] = { "v_knife_bb_zombie_fast" }
const zclass2_health = 2000
const zclass2_speed = 325
const Float:zclass2_gravity = 1.0
const zclass2_adminflags = ADMIN_ALL

// Jumper Zombie Attributes
new const zclass3_name[] = { "跳跃丧尸" }
new const zclass3_info[] = { "疾跳" }
new const zclass3_model[] = { "bb_zombie_jump" }
new const zclass3_clawmodel[] = { "v_knife_bb_zombie_jump" }
const zclass3_health = 2500
const zclass3_speed = 285
const Float:zclass3_gravity = 0.5
const zclass3_adminflags = ADMIN_ALL

// Tanker Zombie Attributes
new const zclass4_name[] = { "血牛丧尸" }
new const zclass4_info[] = { "肥尸" }
new const zclass4_model[] = { "bb_zombie_Big" }
new const zclass4_clawmodel[] = { "v_knife_bb_zombie_big" }
const zclass4_health = 4000
const zclass4_speed = 210
const Float:zclass4_gravity = 1.0
const zclass4_adminflags = ADMIN_ALL
#define TANK_ARMOR 200

// Limpid Zombie Attributes
new const zclass4_name[] = { "透明丧尸" }
new const zclass4_info[] = { "半透明" }
new const zclass4_model[] = { "bb_zombie_limpid" }
new const zclass4_clawmodel[] = { "v_knife_bb_zombie_limpid" }
const zclass4_health = 3000
const zclass4_speed = 270
const Float:zclass4_gravity = 1.0
const zclass4_adminflags = ADMIN_ALL
#define TANK_ARMOR 0

// Nkb Zombie Attributes
new const zclass4_name[] = { "改造丧尸" }
new const zclass4_info[] = { "无后座" }
new const zclass4_model[] = { "bb_zombie_nkb" }
new const zclass4_clawmodel[] = { "v_knife_bb_zombie_nkb" }
const zclass4_health = 2000
const zclass4_speed = 300
const Float:zclass4_gravity = 0.9
const zclass4_adminflags = ADMIN_ALL
#define TANK_ARMOR 300

// Leech Zombie Attributes
new const zclass4_name[] = { "铁造丧尸" }
new const zclass4_info[] = { "额外加血" }
new const zclass4_model[] = { "bb_zombie_leech" }
new const zclass4_clawmodel[] = { "v_knife_bb_zombie_leech" }
const zclass4_health = 5000
const zclass4_speed = 200
const Float:zclass4_gravity = 1.5
const zclass4_adminflags = ADMIN_ALL
#define TANK_ARMOR 1000


new g_zclass_tanker

// Zombie Classes MUST be registered on plugin_precache
public plugin_precache()
    register_plugin("建造基地-丧尸种类", "6.5", "Tirant")

    // Register all classes
    bb_register_zombie_class(zclass1_name, zclass1_info, zclass1_model, zclass1_clawmodel, zclass1_health, zclass1_speed, zclass1_gravity, 0.0, zclass1_adminflags)
    bb_register_zombie_class(zclass2_name, zclass2_info, zclass2_model, zclass2_clawmodel, zclass2_health, zclass2_speed, zclass2_gravity, 0.0, zclass2_adminflags)
    bb_register_zombie_class(zclass3_name, zclass3_info, zclass3_model, zclass3_clawmodel, zclass3_health, zclass3_speed, zclass3_gravity, 0.0, zclass3_adminflags)
    bb_register_zombie_class(zclass4_name, zclass4_info, zclass4_model, zclass4_clawmodel, zclass4_health, zclass4_speed, zclass4_gravity, 0.0, zclass4_adminflags)
    bb_register_zombie_class(zclass5_name, zclass5_info, zclass5_model, zclass5_clawmodel, zclass5_health, zclass5_speed, zclass5_gravity, 0.0, zclass5_adminflags)
    bb_register_zombie_class(zclass6_name, zclass6_info, zclass6_model, zclass6_clawmodel, zclass6_health, zclass6_speed, zclass6_gravity, 0.0, zclass6_adminflags)
    g_zclass_tanker = bb_register_zombie_class(zclass7_name, zclass7_info, zclass7_model, zclass7_clawmodel, zclass7_health, zclass7_speed, zclass7_gravity, 0.0, zclass7_adminflags)

#if defined TANK_ARMOR
public plugin_init()
    RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "ham_PlayerSpawn_Post", 1)

public ham_PlayerSpawn_Post(id)
    if (!is_user_alive(id))
        return ;

    if (bb_is_user_zombie(id) && bb_get_user_zombie_class(id) == g_zclass_tanker)
        give_item(id, "item_assaultsuit");
        cs_set_user_armor(id, TANK_ARMOR, CS_ARMOR_VESTHELM);

[ 此文章被narto2008在2011-10-09 13:13重新编辑 ]

献花 x0 回到顶端 [楼 主] From:香港和记电讯 | Posted:2011-10-09 12:25 |
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其他#include <xxx> 的都要有xxx.inc的档案

献花 x0 回到顶端 [1 楼] From:台湾中华电信股份有限公司 | Posted:2011-10-09 13:51 |
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其他丧尸根本没有写出#define TANK_ARMOR 0的命令

献花 x0 回到顶端 [2 楼] From:未知地址 | Posted:2011-10-09 14:11 |
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没给转档失败的错误讯息…哪知为何会转不了…?||= =

尚无签名,欢迎 [新增个性化签名]
献花 x0 回到顶端 [3 楼] From:台湾教育部 | Posted:2011-10-09 19:46 |

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