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[1.6][插件] 修改amxx问题------请帮帮忙!


WELCOME = 本服务器已强制使用32bit
WELCOME_ANS1 = 我是使用32bit,可以进行测试!
WELCOME_ANS2 = 我是使用16bit,恭喜你不用测试了...
WELCOME_ANS4 = 关于16bit与32bit
WELCOME_ANS5 = 我知道如何测试 - 使用快速测试版本!


This plugin is to test if players have set 32-bit.

Multiple pictures are show to each player and he or she needs to
choose proper one (in menu). If player does not choose properly
after X tries he or she is disconnected. Pictures are show after
the player dies, not to disturb the gameplay.

CVARs (default):
32bit_max_tries "2"
32bit_immunity_flag ""

Plugin is using "data/lang/32bit_test.txt" language file.


#pragma semicolon 1
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#define TASKID 18923

new g_test_details[33][3];
new g_tested[33];
new g_tries[33];
new g_quick_test[33];
new g_immunity_flag;
new p_tested32bit[33];
new p_max_tries;
new p_immunity_flag;
new p_warmup_active; //this cvar is to prevent from testing players during warmup. When "amx_warmup_active" is "1" then tests do not occur (you can use it for custom warmup)

public plugin_init(){
     register_plugin("32-bit test","2.0","Czesio");
     register_event("DeathMsg", "event_death_msg", "a");
     p_max_tries = register_cvar("32bit_max_tries", "2");
     p_immunity_flag = register_cvar("32bit_immunity_flag", "");
     p_warmup_active = register_cvar("amx_warmup_active", "0");
     new tmp[32];
     for(new i=1; i<33; i++){
           p_tested32bit = register_cvar(tmp,"0");
           g_tested = get_pcvar_num(p_tested32bit);
     get_pcvar_string(p_immunity_flag, tmp, 31);
     g_immunity_flag = read_flags(tmp);
     register_menucmd(register_menuid("menu_start"), 511, "menu_start_handler");
     register_menucmd(register_menuid("menu_a"), 511, "menu_a_handler");
     register_menucmd(register_menuid("menu_b"), 511, "menu_b_handler");
     register_menucmd(register_menuid("menu_c"), 511, "menu_c_handler");
     return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;

public client_connect(id){
     g_tries[id] = 0;
     g_quick_test[id] = 0;

public event_death_msg(){
     new victim = read_data(2);
     set_task(1.5,"test_player", victim + TASKID);
     return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

public test_player(id){
     id -= TASKID;
     if(is_user_connected(id) && !is_user_bot(id) && !is_user_hltv(id) && g_tested[id] != get_user_userid(id)){
           if(get_user_flags(id) & g_immunity_flag){
                 g_tested[id] = get_user_userid(id);
           if(g_tries[id] > get_pcvar_num(p_max_tries)){
                 g_test_details[id][0] = random(8) + 1;
                 g_test_details[id][1] = random(8) + 1;
                 g_test_details[id][2] = random(8) + 1;

public menu_start_handler(id,key){
     if(key == 1)
     else if(key == 2)
     else if(key == 4)
     else if(key == 5){
           g_quick_test[id] = 1;

public menu_a_handler(id,key){
     menu_test_handler(id, key, 0);
public menu_b_handler(id,key){
     menu_test_handler(id, key, 1);
public menu_c_handler(id,key){
     menu_test_handler(id, key, 2);

public menu_test_handler(id, key, stage){
     if(key == 9)
           show_menu_test(id, stage);
     else if(stage == 2 && key == g_test_details[id][stage])
     else if(key == g_test_details[id][stage])
           show_menu_test(id, stage + 1);

public show_menu_start(id){
     new menu_body[1000];
     formatex(menu_body, 999, "\w%L^n^n\w1. %L^n\w2. %L^n^n\w4. %L^n\w5. %L", id, "WELCOME", id, "WELCOME_ANS1", id, "WELCOME_ANS2", id, "WELCOME_ANS4", id, "WELCOME_ANS5");
     show_menu(id, 511, menu_body, -1, "menu_start");

public show_menu_test(id, stage){
     new menu_body[1000];
     if(stage == 0){
           formatex(menu_body, 999, "\w%L^n^n\w1. A1^n\w2. A2^n\w3.\w A3^n\w4.\w A4^n\w5.\w A5^n\w6.\w A6^n\w7.\w A7^n\w8.\w A8^n^n\w9. %L", id, "CHOOSE_PICTURE", id, "SHOW_AGAIN");
           show_menu(id, 511, menu_body, -1, "menu_a");
     else if(stage == 1){
           formatex(menu_body, 999, "\w%L^n^n\w1. B1^n\w2. B2^n\w3.\w B3^n\w4.\w B4^n\w5.\w B5^n\w6.\w B6^n\w7.\w B7^n\w8.\w B8^n^n\w9. %L", id, "CHOOSE_PICTURE", id, "SHOW_AGAIN");
           show_menu(id, 511, menu_body, -1, "menu_b");
           formatex(menu_body, 999, "\w%L^n^n\w1. C1^n\w2. C2^n\w3.\w C3^n\w4.\w C4^n\w5.\w C5^n\w6.\w C6^n\w7.\w C7^n\w8.\w C8^n^n\w9. %L", id, "CHOOSE_PICTURE", id, "SHOW_AGAIN");
           show_menu(id, 511, menu_body, -1, "menu_c");
     if(!g_quick_test[id] || stage == 0)
           do_motd(id, stage);

public show_more_info(id){
     do_motd(id, -1);

public do_motd(id,stage){
     new motd[2000];
     new find_string[50];
     new replace_string[50];
     motd = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN' 'http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224/loos...t;<head><style type='text/css'>body{background:black;color:#fff;font:bold 16px Arial;text-align:center;margin:0;padding:0}th,td{padding-top:4px}b,u{display:inline-block;width:16px;height:48px}td b{background:#808080}td u{background:#7f7f7f}th b{background:#878787}th u{background:#787878}</style><meta http-equiv='content-type' content='text/html;charset=UTF-8'/></head>";
     if(stage != -1 && g_quick_test[id] == 0){
           new c;
           if(stage == 0)
                 c = 'A';
           else if(stage == 1)
                 c = 'B';
           else if(stage == 2)
                 c = 'C';
           format(motd,1999,"%s<body><br/>%L<br/><br/><table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='5' style='margin:0 auto'><tr><td>%c1<br><b></b><u></u><b></b></td><td>%c2<br><b></b><u></u><b></b></td><td>%c3<br><b></b><u></u><b></b></td><td>%c4<br><b></b><u></u><b></b></td><td>%c5<br><b></b><u></u><b></b></td><td>%c6<br><b></b><u></u><b></b></td><td>%c7<br><b></b><u></u><b></b></td><td>%c8<br><b></b><u></u><b></b></td></tr></table><br/>%L %d / 3</body></html>",motd,id,"DETAILS",c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c,id,"STAGE",stage+1);
           formatex(find_string,49,"<td>%c%d<br><b></b><u></u><b></b></td>",c, g_test_details[id][stage]);
           formatex(replace_string,49,"<th>%c%d<br><b></b><u></u><b></b></th>",c, g_test_details[id][stage]);
           replace(motd, 1999, find_string, replace_string);
     else if(stage != -1){
           strcat(motd,"<body><table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='5' style='margin:0 auto'><tr><td>A1<br><b></b><u></u><b></b></td><td>A2<br><b></b><u></u><b></b></td><td>A3<br><b></b><u></u><b></b></td><td>A4<br><b></b><u></u><b></b></td><td>A5<br><b></b><u></u><b></b></td><td>A6<br><b></b><u></u><b></b></td><td>A7<br><b></b><u></u><b></b></td><td>A8<br><b></b><u></u><b></b></td></tr>",1999);
           format(motd,1999,"%s<body><br/>%L</body></html>", motd, id, "MORE_INFO");
     show_motd(id, motd, "32-bit test");

public test_passed(id){
     g_tested[id] = get_user_userid(id);
     set_pcvar_num(p_tested32bit[id], g_tested[id]);
     client_print(id,print_chat,"[TEST] %L",LANG_PLAYER,"TEST_OK");

public test_failed(id){
     if(g_tries[id] >= get_pcvar_num(p_max_tries)){
           if(get_pcvar_num(p_max_tries) - g_tries[id] == 1)
                 client_print(id,print_chat,"[TEST] %L",LANG_PLAYER,"TEST_BAD_1_TRY_LEFT",get_pcvar_num(p_max_tries) - g_tries[id]);
                 client_print(id,print_chat,"[TEST] %L",LANG_PLAYER,"TEST_BAD",get_pcvar_num(p_max_tries) - g_tries[id]);

public kick_player(id){
     server_cmd("kick #%d 16-bit video", get_user_userid(id));

献花 x0 回到顶端 [楼 主] From:美国ATT用户 | Posted:2011-07-21 09:30 |
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您为何不直接改完整的sma 方便我么改档??   表情

盗文,即是 "垃圾" 不如的家伙.. :)
拒绝 "Amxx" 反边 Sma 那这样以后就没人想发Amxx ...
献花 x0 回到顶端 [1 楼] From:台湾中华电信股份有限公司 | Posted:2011-07-22 09:44 |
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那个插件是否有附给你一些指令阿 让你修改的?
或是有给你一个档案 专门放在configs资料夹里的?
如果有的话 里面可能会有可以修改的内容
表情 表情 表情

献花 x0 回到顶端 [2 楼] From:台湾中华电信股份有限公司 | Posted:2011-07-22 18:36 |

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