Help Cure Muscular Dystrophy - Phase 2
治疗肌肉萎缩症 --第二阶段
World Community Grid and researchers supported by Decrypthon, a partnership between AFM (French Muscular Dystrophy Association), CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research), Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, and IBM are investigating protein-protein interactions for more than 2,200 proteins whose structures are known, with particular focus on those proteins that play a role in neuromuscular diseases. The database of information produced will help researchers design molecules to inhibit or enhance binding of particular macromolecules, hopefully leading to better treatments for muscular dystrophy and other neuromuscular diseases.
神经肌肉疾病是一组机能紊乱疾病(总数超过 200 种)的通用术语,这些疾病直接通过肌肉病理学因素(肌肉萎缩症)或间接通过神经病理学因素损害肌肉功能。其中的大多数疾病都具有以下特点:比较罕见(概率小于两千分之一)、源于基因(80%)并同时影响儿童和成人。这些慢性疾病会逐步降低肌肉力量,最终导致严重的运动机能(移动、呼吸等)残疾。这些疾病的表现形式各不相同,有些会越来越严重,而有些会稳定好几年,并且同一种疾病在不同人身上也会表现出不同的症状。
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题外话(别理会@@)~~ 身体上的疾病是可以努力去克服~~ 但心灵 ~~~