Research shows homeopathy is clinically effective
There is a growing body of research in support of homeopathy. The Lance (9/27/97) published a comprehensive review of 89 double-blind and placebo-controlled studies on homeopathy. On average, those patients who were given a homeopathic medicine were 2.45 times more likely to experience a therapeutically beneficial result than those patients given a placebo.
The British Medical Jounial (2/9/91) published a meta-analysis of 107 clinicaltrials of homeopathy ; of the 22best-quality studies , 15 showed positive results in conditions such as hay fever, influenza, migraine headache, trauma, and duration of delivery.
A team of researchers led by David Reilly, MD. of Great Britain, has conducted a series of randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled trials of exceptional rigor. The results show homeopathic preparations effective in the treatment of allergic asthma and hay fever(The Lancet 10/16/86.The Lancet 12/10/94). Their most recent study in the British Medical Journal (8/12/00) showed thay hay fever sufferers given a homeopathic preparation had a 28% improvement in nasal air flow compared to placebo.
The May 1994 issue of Pediatrics prblished a randomized double-blind clinical trial showing homeopathy effective in the treatment of acute childhood diarrhea. This was the first study of homeopathy published in a mainstream peer-reviewed American medical journal.
A study in an AMA publication, Archives of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery(8/98),found thay a homeopathic medicine produced a reduction in symptoms that was equivalent to conventional medicine in the treatment of patients with vertigo.
The National Institutes of Health Office of Alternative Medicine funded a double-blind ,placebo-controlled study on the homeopathic treatment of mild traumatic brain injury which found a significant improvenment (Journal of Head Trauma Rehavilitation 12/99).
英國醫藥刊物(The British Medical Journal)(2/9/91)刊登一則以順勢療法對107位臨床試驗的分析報告;對花粉熱、流行性感冒、偏頭痛、外傷和分娩期上其中有22位效果極佳,15位有效。由David Reilly 醫生所領導的研究團隊進行一系列抽樣雙盲和安慰劑的試驗並將特例排除在外。其結果顯示使用順勢法對治療過敏性氣喘和花粉熱具療效(剌洛針Lancet 10/16/86和Lancet 12/10/94)。他們最近的研究發表在 The British Medical Journal(8/12/00), 認為感染花粉熱的病患服用順勢療法的藥品比起安慰劑,相對地在鼻子空氣的流量上改善了28%。
這是第一次順勢療法的研究被刊登在的同行評估的主流美國醫學刊物上。在AMA刊物的研究中,Archives of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery(8/98)(耳喉科之頭和頸部開刀檔案)發現以順勢藥品治療病人暈眩時能降低其症狀,這和傳統藥品的治療具有相同的效果。
資料來源:HCH National Center For Homeopathy