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[驱动][显示卡] Radeon Omega Drivers 2.6.25 (Catalyst 5.4)
What's New in Omega Drivers?

* Based on the Catalyst 5.4 Official drivers.
* Updated a lot of the internal tweaks for Mobility 9200 cards.
* Updated some other tweaks for all cards.
* Removed some redundant files from package.
* Added new option to installer: now you can select between installing with or without Radlinker, in case some of you can't use Radlinker for some reason or use another 3rd party tweaker.

Known Bugs:
* Custom resolutions are not working because of a bug in the official Catalyst 5.4 drivers, hope this is fixed for Cat 5.5
* If you downloaded the original release and need to use a soft-mod, please redownload the drivers and make sure the file name says "updated" at the end.

Download Page:http://www.omegadrivers....n2k_xp.php

Good Luck

Written by ㊣~TonyYang~㊣
献花 x0 回到顶端 [楼 主] From:台湾中华电信 | Posted:2005-05-01 11:29 |

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