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灵命日粮 - 2005年4月26日
读经: 士师记6章11-16节、33-40节


金句: 「耶和华对他(基甸)说:『你放心,不要惧怕。』」(士师记6章23节)


全年读经: 诗篇46-48篇  





From Worms To Wars

Read:Judges 6:11-16,33-40
The Lord said to [Gideon], "Peace be with you; do not fear." —Judges 6:23

Bible In One Year: Psalm 46-48

It was 10-year-old Cleotis' first time fishing, and as he looked into the container of bait he seemed hesitant to get started. Finally he said to my husband, "Help me, I-S-O-W!" When my husband asked him what the problem was, Cleotis responded, "I-S-O-W! I'm Scared Of Worms!" His fear had made him unable to act.

Fear can paralyze grown men too. Gideon must've been afraid when the angel of the Lord came to him as he was threshing wheat in secret, hiding from his Midianite enemies (Judges 6:11). The angel told him he had been chosen by God to lead His people in battle (vv.12-14).

Gideon's response? "O my Lord, how can I save Israel? Indeed my clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my father's house" (v.15). After being assured of the Lord's presence, Gideon still seemed fearful and asked Him for signs that He would use him to save Israel as He promised (vv.36-40). And God responded to Gideon's requests. The Israelites were successful in battle and then enjoyed peace for 40 years.

We all have fears of various kinds—from worms to wars. Gideon's story teaches us that we can be confident of this: If God asks us to do something, He'll give us the strength and power to do it. —Anne Cetas

When you're afraid of what's ahead,
Remember, God is near;
He'll give you strength and joy and hope
And calm your inner fear. —Sper

To take the fear out of living, put your faith in the living God.

献花 x1 回到顶端 [楼 主] From:台湾中华电信 | Posted:2005-04-28 12:47 |

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