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灵命日粮 - 2005年4月15日
读经: 马可福音15章24-38节


金句: 「从那里经过的人辱骂他。」(马可福音15章29节)


全年读经: 诗篇13-15篇  





Those Who Passed By

Read:Mark 15:24-38
Those who passed by blasphemed Him. —Mark 15:29

Bible In One Year: Psalm 13-15

Consider the people who callously passed by the Savior as He hung on the cross. How heartless they were! But before we rush to judge them, let's remember that many are still doing it today. They fall into three groups:

Those who want a cross without Christ. It's possible to revere a symbol without the Savior. Some may clasp in their hand a miniature cross made of wood or gold, but that emblem will never atone for even one sin. It is Christ alone who redeems our souls with His precious blood.

Those who want a Christ without a cross. They want a conqueror, not a dying Lamb. They would cry, "Come down from the cross!" (Mark 15:30). Many desire a good example, or a great teacher, or a triumphant king. Their gospel is one of works. They despise the gospel that declares we are justified by faith in One who shed His blood on the cross.

Those who want neither Christ nor His cross. They are untouched by His sorrow, unmoved by His suffering, and unrepentant of their sins that He bore. Never have they exclaimed as did the songwriter John M. Moore, "All my iniquities on Him were laid—He nailed them all to the tree. Jesus the debt of my sin fully paid—He paid the ransom for me." —Paul Van Gorder

Bearing shame and scoffing rude,
In my place condemned He stood—
Sealed my pardon with His blood:
Hallelujah, what a Savior! —Bliss
© 1953, Singspiration, Inc.

Jesus took our place that we might have His peace.

献花 x1 回到顶端 [楼 主] From:台湾中华电信 | Posted:2005-04-15 08:45 |

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