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[励志] 求饶

上帝要的是诚实的心,但是有时当我们诚实地向祂祈求时,却带着过多的要求。我们内心明白,祷告并非与上帝角力。我们所该做的,是把所需要的告诉上帝,将所求的交托给祂,并且倚靠祂的恩典,耐心等候祂的回应(腓立比书4章6-7节)。作家哈拿(Hannah Whitall Smith)说:「要开心地、热切地将自己毫无保留地投入祂慈爱的双臂里,并将所有的主权都交给祂。」


以耶稣之名命令上帝。D. De Haan

Say "Mercy!"

Read:Philippians 4:1-7
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer . . . let your requests be made known to God. —Philippians 4:6

Bible In One Year: Deuteronomy 13-16

You may have played the game when you were a child. You interlace your fingers with someone else's and try to bend the other's hands back until one or the other cries "Mercy!" The winner is the one who gets the other person to surrender.

Sometimes we try to play "Mercy" with God when we pray. We have a request that we desperately want answered in a certain way, so we try to "bend His fingers back" and get Him to give in. When it seems we aren't winning, we try a little harder to convince Him by begging or bargaining. We may even give up grudgingly and say, "Lord, You always win! That's not fair!"

God does want honesty of heart. But occasionally in our honesty a demanding spirit comes out. Deep down we know that prayer is not meant to be a contest with God that we try to win. In our wiser moments, we make our requests known to our Lord, surrender them to Him, rely on His grace, and wait for His answers (Philippians 4:6-7). Author Hannah Whitall Smith said, "Be glad and eager to throw yourself unreservedly into His loving arms, and to hand over the reins of government to Him."

Instead of praying with grudging resignation, "Lord, You always win," surrender to Him. Say "Mercy!" —Anne Cetas

In Jesus' name we voice our prayers—
The Bible tells us to;
But may we never use that name
To tell God what to do. —D. De Haan

Prayer isn't a time to give orders but to report for duty!

献花 x0 回到顶端 [楼 主] From:台湾中华电信 | Posted:2005-03-04 19:08 |

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