✶愛的抱抱紓壓又療癒 The Benefits of Cuddling
The Benefits of Cuddling
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愛的抱抱紓壓又療癒 The Benefits of Cuddling
觸摸是人與人之間不可或缺的互動。我們渴望觸摸他人,也渴望 被觸摸。
目錄 / You Can Do This 英文試金石 / 中文翻譯
健康百科|本集 精彩教學影片(講解老師:Bruce & Bernice 老師)
Touching is an essential interaction between human beings. We are eager to touch people and be touched in return. Because of advancements in technology, it is now easier to become isolated from other people. The fact is that everyone needs physical contact, like cuddling. Sadly, this is harder for some people nowadays.
People who may not get as much physical contact, such as young people who live alone, the elderly, or those with mental or physical health problems, really need the affection from others. Fortunately, professional cuddling is a growing field. Although cuddling sounds like something anyone can do, professional cuddling is not as simple as you think. Professional cuddlers go through a series of training exercises to learn how to set boundaries and create a safe and comfortable environment for their clients.
A professional cuddler does more than just give hugs. He or she also needs to be a good listener, have empathy, and develop a set of skills to help clients reduce stress and feel relaxed. If you like to cuddle and want to help others, being a professional cuddler might be the perfect job for you.
Words in Use
reduce [rɪˋdjus]
vt. 使減少;使淪為
boundary [ˋbaʊndrɪ]
n. 邊界, 分界線;界限
affection [əˋfɛkʃən]
n. 喜愛,鍾愛;愛慕之情(恆用複數)
isolated [ˋaɪs!͵etɪd]
a. 隔絕的,孤立
fortunately [ˋfɔɪtʃənɪtlɪ]
adv. 幸運地
nowadays [ˋnaʊə͵dez]
adv. 現今
essential [ɪˋsɛnʃəl]
a. 必要的,不可或缺的
n. 要素,要點(常用複數)
eager [ˋigɚ]
a. 渴望的
relaxed [rɪˋlækst]
a. 寬鬆的;覺得放鬆的
client [ˋklaɪənt]
n. 客戶
empathy [ˋɛmpəθɪ]
n. 同情,同理心
Practical Phrases
be eager to + V 渴望……
= be longing to
= be dying to
Mary is eager to start her new job.
the elderly 老年人(泛指所有老年人)
= elderly people
We should learn to respect the elderly.
go through 經歷⋯⋯
Al went through a major transformation during college.
You Can Do This 英文試金石
❶ The information you have is (elegant / essential / extreme) for the final result of the report.
❷ We’ll review the case and give some advice to our (client / column / condition).
❸ In spite of his pay cut, Lee won’t (release / remain / reduce) his standard of living.
答案:1. essential 2. client 3. reduce
觸摸是人與人之間不可或缺的互動。我們渴望觸摸他人,也渴望 被觸摸。由於科技的進步,現在更容易與他人疏離。事實上每個人都 需要身體接觸,比如擁抱。令人難過的是,這對現在的一些人來說更 難了。
那些可能沒辦法擁有那麼多身體接觸的人,像是獨居的年輕人、 老年人,或者有精神或身體健康問題的人,真的需要別人的愛。幸運 的是,專業擁抱是一個正在成長的領域。雖然擁抱聽起來像任何人都 可以做的事,但專業擁抱並不像你想像的那麼簡單。抱抱專家通過一 系列培訓去學習如何設立界線並為他們的客戶創造一個安全舒適的環 境。
抱抱專家所做的不僅僅是擁抱。他或她還需要是一位好的傾聽 者、擁有同理心,並培養一套技能來幫助客戶減輕壓力和放鬆。如果 你喜歡擁抱並想幫助別人,也許成為一名抱抱專家是最適合你的工 作。
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