下行氣手印 - 強化消化吸收 / Apana Mudra - Strengthens Digestion
Indigestion suffer? Bodily toxins accumulation? Try Apana Mudra!
■ 操作
1. 以中指指尖、無名指指尖,觸碰拇指指尖
connect tips of middle finger & ring finger to tip of thumb
2. 伸直其餘手指
extend the rest of fingers
■ 此手印的功效
Benefits of Apana Mudra
1. 解除身體累積的毒素
detoxifies the accumated bodily toxins
2. 提供膽囊及肝臟額外的能量
supplies extra energy for gallbladder & liver
3. 舒緩消化不良、胃炎、便秘
relieves indigestion, gastritis & constipation
4. 強化消化吸收
strengthens digestion
■ 注意
1. 每天30 - 45分鐘
Practise for 30 -45 minutes per day
2. 懷孕期間不宜練習
Strictly prohibited during pregnancy
3. 最好晨間練習
best to practise amid morning