Dear members,
Unfortunately, we have experienced a hardware failure on one of the Grid.org infrastructure servers. This is causing devices to not be able to log in. We have current backups so we should not see the data loss we saw last time we had this problem.
Our current hardware has experienced a few problems lately as everyone knows. Know that we have ordered completely new hardware to move Grid.org to. The new hardware will also be running the latest version of UD software and will be a big improvement over what we have now as far as stability.
Our IT department is currently working to get the offline server back up and running. As soon as I have any more information regarding this outage, I will post again to this forum.
不幸地, 我們體驗了一個硬體失敗在Grid.org 基礎設施伺服器的當中一個。這導致設備不能登錄。我們有當前的備份因此我們不應該看我們看上次我們有這個問題的資料損失。
我們當前的硬體最近體驗了幾個問題當大家知道。知道, 我們有指令完成新硬體移動Grid.org 向。新硬體跑UD 軟體的最新的版本, 並且將是大改善在什麼我們現在有就穩定。
我們這部門當前有效得到離線伺服器備份和賽跑。當我有資訊關於這儲運損耗, 我再將張貼對這個論壇。