var runOnceExDlgTitle=[];
var msgStartInstall=[];
var txtRunOnceExTitle=[];
var lblTimerTitle=[], lblTimerStop=[];
var lblInstall=[], lblExit=[], lblHelp=[], lblSelectAll=[], lblSelectNone=[], lblSelectDefaults=[], lblOptions=[], lblConfig=[], lblSource=[], lblmanual=[], lblselect=[], lblMusic=[];
var ttInstall=[], ttExit=[], ttHelp=[], ttSelectAll=[], ttSelectNone=[], ttSelectDefaults=[], ttConfig=[], ttOptions=[], ttSource=[], ttmanual=[], ttMusic=[];
function getText(par)
if (par[language]) return par[language];
return par['en'];
//english - DO NOT DELETE !!
lang = 'en'
msgStartInstall[lang] = ['Windows Post-Installation Wizard will now exit, and in the next few minutes, the options you have selected will install.\nPlease sit back and wait while the process completes.\n\nThank you for using Windows Post-Install Wizard.'];
lblTimerTitle[lang] = ['The Installer<br>will start in'];
lblTimerStop[lang] = ['<u>Click to stop the timer</u>'];
lblInstall[lang] = ['Begin Install'];
lblExit[lang] = ['Exit'];
lblHelp[lang] = ['Help'];
lblSelectAll[lang] = ['Select All'];
lblSelectNone[lang] = ['Select None'];
lblSelectDefaults[lang] = ['Select Defaults'];
lblMusic[lang] = ['Audio Player'];
lblOptions[lang] = ['Options'];
lblConfig[lang] = ['Config'];
lblSource[lang] = ['Show Source'];
lblmanual[lang] = ['User Manual'];
lblselect[lang] = ['Selections:'];
ttInstall[lang] = ['Begin Installation','Initiates the script generator. Click here to begin installing the selected applications and features.'];
ttExit[lang] = ['Exit Button','Click here to close the WPI application.'];
ttHelp[lang] = ['Help','Displays basic usage, version information, and disclaimer.'];
ttSelectAll[lang] = ['Select All','Click here to select all available options.'];
ttSelectNone[lang] = ['Select None','Click here to deselect all available options.'];
ttSelectDefaults[lang] = ['Select Defaults','Click here to enable the default recommended options.'];
ttMusic[lang] = ['Audio Player','Click here to configure the audio player.'];
ttOptions[lang] = ['Options','Click here to customize WPI.'];
ttConfig[lang] = ['Config','Click here to configure the program list.'];
ttSource[lang] = ['Show Source','Click here to reveal the WPI source code.'];
ttmanual[lang] = ['User Manual','Click here to open the WPI user manual.'];
txtRunOnceExTitle[lang] = ['Installing applications ...'];
//Traditional Chinese - Taiwan (by maxkerr)
lang = 'tw'
msgStartInstall[lang] = ['軟體安裝管理器將關閉此介面,\n開始自動安裝您所選擇的軟體。'];
lblTimerTitle[lang] = ['軟體安裝將在'];
lblTimerStop[lang] = ['後自動啟動!<br><br>-請點擊此處停止倒數計時-'];
lblInstall[lang] = ['開始安裝'];
lblExit[lang] = ['退出安裝'];
lblHelp[lang] = ['安裝說明'];
lblSelectAll[lang] = ['選擇全部'];
lblSelectNone[lang] = ['取消全部'];
lblSelectDefaults[lang] = ['建議安裝'];
lblMusic[lang] = ['Audio Player'];
lblOptions[lang] = ['Options'];
lblConfig[lang] = ['Config'];
lblSource[lang] = ['Show Source'];
lblmanual[lang] = ['User Manual'];
ttInstall[lang] = ['開始安裝','安裝您所選擇的軟體。'];
ttExit[lang] = ['退出安裝','如果您不想安裝任何軟體,<br />請點擊此按鈕退出安裝。'];
ttHelp[lang] = ['安裝說明','查看本軟體的簡易說明。'];
ttSelectAll[lang] = ['選擇全部','選擇安裝全部的軟體。'];
ttSelectNone[lang] = ['取消全部','取消全部已選擇的軟體。'];
ttSelectDefaults[lang] = ['建議安裝','選取建議安裝的軟體。'];
ttMusic[lang] = ['Audio Player','Allows configuration Of the\naudio player'];
ttOptions[lang] = ['Options','Customize your WPI.'];
ttConfig[lang] = ['Config','Configure your programlist.'];
ttSource[lang] = ['Show Source','Shows the Sourcecode of WPI.'];
ttmanual[lang] = ['User Manual','Opens the WPI user manual.'];
txtRunOnceExTitle[lang] = ['開始自動安裝您所選擇的軟體 ...'];
//template - copy, paste, fill-in
lang = '' // <=== FILL IN LANGUAGE CODE HERE
msgStartInstall[lang] = [''];
lblTimerTitle[lang] = [''];
lblTimerStop[lang] = [''];
lblInstall[lang] = [''];
lblExit[lang] = [''];
lblHelp[lang] = [''];
lblSelectAll[lang] = [''];
lblSelectNone[lang] = [''];
lblSelectDefaults[lang] = [''];
lblMusic[lang] = [''];
lblOptions[lang] = [''];
lblConfig[lang] = [''];
lblSource[lang] = [''];
lblmanual[lang] = [''];
ttInstall[lang] = ['',''];
ttExit[lang] = ['',''];
ttHelp[lang] = ['',''];
ttSelectAll[lang] = ['',''];
ttSelectNone[lang] = ['',''];
ttSelectDefaults[lang] = ['',''];
lblMusic[lang] = ['',''];
ttOptions[lang] = ['',''];
ttConfig[lang] = ['',''];
ttSource[lang] = ['',''];
ttmanual[lang] = ['',''];
txtRunOnceExTitle[lang] = [''];