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实验室培育钻石,你未来的最佳选择 Gems of the Future: Lab-Grown Diamonds
Gems of the Future: Lab-Grown Diamonds
#数位·科技·科学 #艺术美学 #流行时尚
10/21 生活英语
作者 Enjoy Editors
阅读时间 5分钟
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实验室培育钻石,你未来的最佳选择 Gems of the Future: Lab-Grown Diamonds

目录 / Tips in Use 重点解析 / You Can Do This 英文试金石 / 中文翻译
绿色生活 |本篇为「Premium文章」想看完整文章请订阅 IVY Engrest!|本集 精彩教学影片(讲解老师:Chris & Antony老师)

Lab-grown diamonds are becoming more popular.

  Diamonds are among the most valuable jewels on our planet. They are formed under extreme conditions deep below the Earth’s surface through a great deal of heat and pressure. Historically, the diamond industry has caused many problems for the environment. The mines where diamonds come from can be very unpleasant for workers, and the process of mining diamonds can do a lot of damage to the surroundings. This is why many people are now looking to lab-grown diamonds as an alternative.

  The first lab-grown diamond was produced in 1954, and the technology has been greatly improved since then. In the lab, scientists create the same conditions that form a diamond naturally by using “diamond seeds,” which are small diamond fragments or carbon sources. These seeds are then processed with heat and pressure to grow the stone.

  These lab-grown gems are real diamonds rather than imitations. They look exactly the same as mined diamonds and can be used to produce jewelry of the same quality. Just like mined diamonds, they can have very slight color differences. Only with very specialized tools can one detect the difference between a mined diamond and a lab-grown diamond.

Words in Use

jewel [ˋdʒuəl]

n. 宝石,珠宝;可贵的东西(可数)

jewelry [ˋdʒuəlrɪ]

n. 珠宝,首饰(集合名词,不可数)

extreme [ɪkˋstrim]

a. 极度的
n. 极端

surface [ˋsɝfɪs]

n. 表面
vi. 浮出水面

mine [maɪn]

pron. 我的(东西)
n. 矿;地雷
vt. & vi. 开采(矿物)

process [ˋprɑsɛs]

vt. 处理
n. 过程

scientist [ˋsaɪəntɪst]

n. 科学家

naturally [ˋnætʃərəlɪ]

adv. 天生地

detect [dɪˋtɛkt]

vt. 发现,查出
Extra Words

gem [dʒɛm]
n. 宝石

unpleasant [ʌnˋplɛznt]
a. 令人不快的,讨厌的

surroundings [səˋraʊndɪŋz]

n. (住处)环境(恒用复数)

alternative [ɔlˋtɝnətɪv]

n. 选择,替代方案
a. 替代的

fragment [ˋfrægˌmənt]

vt. & vi. (使) 破碎

carbon [ˋkɑrbən]

n. 碳

imitation [͵ɪməˋteʃən]

n. 模仿(不可数);仿制品(可数)

slight [slaɪt]

a. 轻微的
vt. & n. 轻视;冷落

specialized [ˋspɛʃəl͵aɪzd]

a. 专门的
Tips in Use 重点解析

♦ only 引导的介词片语置于句首的倒装句构

only 之后接介词片语(如 with your help、by doing so)时,视为否定副词片语,故置于句首时,其后主要子句须采倒装句构。


直述句:S (+ 助动词) + V + [ only + 介词片语 ]

倒装句:[ Only + 介词片语 ] + 助动词 + S + V

例 You can succeed only by studying hard.

→ Only by studying hard can you succeed.


句中为一般动词时,先在主词之前按动词时态及主词人称之不同,置助动词 do、does 或 did,其后动词一律改为原形动词。

例 The team won only with everyone’s effort.

→ Only with everyone’s effort did the team win.



One can detect the difference... only with very specialized tools.
You Can Do This 英文试金石


❶ The (screen / surface / space) of the lake was calm in the morning light.

❷ The (process / talent / command) of baking a cake is complex.

❸ The expensive necklace was made with (feathers / stamps / jewels).

答案: 1. surface   2. process   3. jewels




  第一颗实验室培育钻石于 1954 年生产,此后技术有了大幅改进。在实验室里,科学家们使用「钻石种子」(为微小的钻石碎片或是碳源)来创造与形成天然钻石相同的条件。然后对这些种子进行加热和加压处理,以生成钻石。


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献花 x0 回到顶端 [楼 主] From:台湾中华电信股份有限公司 | Posted:2024-10-22 22:06 |

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