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[DIY/教学][Youtube] 下行气手印 - 强化消化吸收 / Apana Mudra - Strengthens Digestion
下行气手印 - 强化消化吸收 / Apana Mudra - Strengthens Digestion


Indigestion suffer? Bodily toxins accumulation? Try Apana Mudra!

■ 操作

1. 以中指指尖、无名指指尖,触碰拇指指尖
connect tips of middle finger & ring finger to tip of thumb
2. 伸直其余手指
extend the rest of fingers

■ 此手印的功效
Benefits of Apana Mudra

1. 解除身体累积的毒素
detoxifies the accumated bodily toxins
2. 提供胆囊及肝脏额外的能量
supplies extra energy for gallbladder & liver
3. 舒缓消化不良、胃炎、便秘
relieves indigestion, gastritis & constipation
4. 强化消化吸收
strengthens digestion

■ 注意

1. 每天30 - 45分钟
Practise for 30 -45 minutes per day
2. 怀孕期间不宜练习
Strictly prohibited during pregnancy
3. 最好晨间练习
best to practise amid morning


献花 x0 回到顶端 [楼 主] From:香港有线宽频 | Posted:2019-01-31 21:41 |

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