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[插件] 神奇宝贝  (国外新模式..)

使用指令:Admin Commands
pm_givepoke <nick | @TEAM | @ALL> <pokemon name> [level] - gives players a pokemon
pm_setpoke <nick | @TEAM | @ALL> <pokemon name> - temporarily gives players pokemon power
pm_takepoke <nick | @TEAM | @ALL> <pokemon | @ALL | @# | @C> - takes a pokemon away from players
pm_morph <nick | @TEAM | @ALL> <pokemon | @ALL | @# | @C> <new pokemon> - morphes a pokemon into a new one

pm_givexp <nick | @TEAM | @ALL> <pokemon | @ALL | @# | @C> <amount> - gives xp to players pokemon
pm_setxp <nick | @TEAM | @ALL> <pokemon | @ALL | @# | @C> <amount> - sets xp on players pokemon

pm_addrank <nick | @TEAM | @ALL> <amount> - gives rank points to player
pm_setrank <nick | @TEAM | @ALL> <amount> - sets rank points on player

pm_setlevel/pm_setlvl <nick | @TEAM | @ALL> <pokemon | @ALL | @# | @C> <level> - sets level on players pokemon

pm_giveitem <nick | @TEAM | @ALL> <item name> [amount] - gives players an item

pm_debugger <nick | 0> - changes who recieves the debug messages

pm_help - shows admin command help
pm_cvar <cvar> [new value] - view/change value of pokemod cvars

pm_enable <pokemon | @ALL> [additional pokemon] - enables the use of a pokemon
pm_tempenable <pokemon | @ALL> [additional pokemon] - temporarily enables the use of a pokemon
pm_disable <pokemon | @ALL> [additional pokemon] - disables the use of a pokemon
pm_tempdisable <pokemon | @ALL> [additional pokemon] - temporarily disables the use of a pokemon

pm_pokemart <pokemon name | item name> <price> - changes items in Pokemart
pm_safari <pokemon name> <level> - changes pokemon in Safari
pm_reset <file> - resets pokemod file
pm_loadconfig - loads pokemod config files
pm_erasexp - erases all xp
Player Say Commands:
/pokecommands - shows complete list of commands in pokecommand
/pokehelp - shows basic information about PokeMod
/save - saves your PokeMod data (unless saving is off or safari mode is on)
/pokedex poke - shows information about the pokemon specified (ex. '/pokedex 1' or '/pokedex bulbasaur')
/pokemenu - shows PokeMod menu if you're dead or close to a Prof. Oak
/pokehud up/down - moves the PokeMod HUD up or down (ex. '/pokehud up' or '/pokehud down')
/playerspokes - shows everyones pokemon
/pokemart item amount - buys the amount of the item
/pokeitem item - view information about the item
/go - shows menu to select your active pokemon
/mypokes - shows the pokemon in your party
/switch poke1 poke2 - switches pokemon with another
/release poke - attempts to release a pokemon into the wild
/give player pokemon/item - gives your pokemon/item to player (ex. '/give Emp pikachu' or '/give Emp potion')
/wild - become a random wild pokemon
/trainer - become a trainer
/pokerank - view players pokeranks
Player Console Commands:
pokemod - shows PokeMod information about server
+pokeskill - uses your current skill
+pokeskill# - uses this skill without having to go through the menu ( +pokeskill1, +pokeskill2, etc. )
+pokeitem - shows menu of your current items



So what is PokeMod?
-It is a game modification that incorporates the old gameboy games. Players choose a starting pokemon, gain experience, and catch new pokemon. As players level up their pokemon, that pokemon's skill will become more deadly. If a pokemon manages to evolve into another pokemon, the new pokemon will have a new skill plus its predecessors. However, players are limited to using a single pokemon at one time, but can have a 'party' that they can switch with on the fly with the command /go. Some pokemon are designated as 'global' pokemon, and as long as they are in your party, their skill will work as well.
-There is also a unique item system that has been developed where server owners can manage and create new items based on a simple file (items.cfg). This item system can be utilized to create an almost endless amount of items that you can imagine.
-Additionally with PokeMod there is a 'PokeRank' system, where players gain points every time they level up their pokemon. This can become competitive as there are defaulted 11 types of pokeranks, starting from Pokemon Finatic and working to Legendary Guru. On top of these individual ranks, there is also a server rank. If you have the top pokerank in the entire server, you will be designated as the Pokemon Master, and the next four highest are part of the Elite Four.
-Another feature in PokeMod is the 'Wild' and 'Trainer' mode. Players are defaulted to trainers, but can switch by saying /wild. In Wild mode, they will be assigned a random pokemon with a random experience. Wild pokemon gain experience twice as fast as trainers, but once you die, you become a new pokemon.
-Not commonly used in PokeMod is the 'Safari' mode. This mode allows players to choose any pokemon that the server has enabled for Safari mode. There is no experience gain and players are able to change pokemon freely. Pokemon can either be disabled, admin only, or set to a level.

How can I configure PokeMod to my liking?
-PokeMod has many types of configurations found in the configs/pokemon/ folder. Within each file, there are customizations available. For more deep changes, such as saving type or game type, you must edit the custom.inl or skill_defines.inl then recompile for a new pokemod.amxx.
  • items.cfg - As described earlier, you can change and add items to PokeMod. You may set what they do, their price, and other things. You can also categorize them so you may buy items easier once in PokeMod.
  • maps.cfg - This can be used to have map specific configurations. You can do any normal console command, or additionally, you can either disable PokeMod (-disabled) or turn skill use off (-skills_off) so players cannot use their skills but they can still gain experience. With -disabled and -skills_off, PokeMod does not precache any models, sounds, or sprites, that way you can still play the huge maps such as fun_allinone.
  • pokedex.txt - Although it is not suggested that you change this file, you can edit the description and name of skills here.
  • pokemod.cfg - Here you can edit cvars for PokeMod that will be loaded on map startup. You can change whether PokeMod is on to what admin is needed for PokeMod admin commands. If you wish to change values in this file in-game, instead of using the normal cvar command (amx_cvar) use the new pm_cvar command and it will save to the file as well.
  • pokemon.cfg - Within this file, you can change many properties of pokemon. You may change how much delay there is after you use its skill, whether it is a global pokemon, what type it is, and even what it evolves to and when it evolves.
  • safari.cfg - In Safari mode, the pokemon are given a set level, this is where you set that level. If you set to 0, then no one can use this pokemon in Safari mode. If set to a negative number, only admins can use this pokemon during Safari mode.
  • xp_table.ini - Inspired by SuperHero Mod, now you can easily change what each level is and how many levels there are. (Note that you will also have to change a define in custom.inl if you want more than 99 levels)

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獻花 x1 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:沒有資料 | Posted:2011-02-16 19:44 |
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財富:0 (by a7811311622) | 理由: 請勿使用口語!

What The??
獻花 x0 回到頂端 [1 樓] From:香港有線寬頻 | Posted:2011-02-16 19:49 |
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獻花 x0 回到頂端 [2 樓] From:臺灣中華電信 | Posted:2011-02-16 20:07 |
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你打了一堆七八九的... ((英文不好

是想表達什麼= =


derpy~derpy~I LOVE YOU

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [3 樓] From:台灣中華電信 | Posted:2011-02-16 20:39 |
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──是一個遊戲的修改,它合併了舊 gameboy遊戲。玩家選擇一個開始口袋妖怪,積累經驗,趕上最新的口袋妖怪。隨著玩家水平,直至他們的寵物小精靈,那寵物小精靈的技能將變得更為致命。如果一個口袋妖怪管理演變成另一種神奇寶貝,新的口袋妖怪將有一個新的技能加上它的前輩。但是,球員們只能使用一個單一的寵物小精靈在同一時間,但可以有一個黨,那就是他們可以在飛行中切換使用命令/去。一些寵物小精靈被指定為'全球'寵物小精靈,只要他們在你的黨,他們的技能,以及將工作。
-加之PokeMod有一個'PokeRank'系統,讓玩家獲得積分每次他們升級自己的寵物小精靈。這可以成為有競爭力,拖欠11種 pokeranks,起價口袋妖怪Finatic並努力傳奇大師。上面這些個別的行列,也有一個服務器的排名。如果您有頂 pokerank在整個服務器,您將被指定為寵物小精靈法師,接下來的四個最高的精英四部分。

,另一個特徵 PokeMod是'野生'和'教練'模式。玩家默認為教練,但可以說開關/野生。在野生模式,他們將被分配一個隨機寵物小精靈與一個隨機的經驗。取得經驗野生口袋妖怪快兩倍,培訓人員,但一旦你死了,你成為一個新的口袋妖怪。
而不是常用的PokeMod是'Safari的模式。該模式允許玩家選擇任何口袋妖怪服務器已啟用 Safari 的模式。沒有經驗的增益和球員能夠改變口袋妖怪自由。寵物小精靈可以被禁止,只有管理員,或者設置為一個級別。
- PokeMod有許多類型的配置,發現在configs/寵物小精靈/文件夾。在每個文件中,有自定義可用。為了更深入的變化,如節約型或遊戲類型,您必須編輯 custom.inl或skill_defines.inl然後重新編譯一個新的pokemod.amxx。
items.cfg-如前所述,您可以更改和添加項目 PokeMod。您可以設定他們做什麼,他們的價格,和其他東西。您也可以對它們進行分類以便你可以購買的物品更容易一次PokeMod。
maps.cfg-這可用於有地圖的具體配置。你可以做任何正常的控制台命令,或者此外,您可以禁用PokeMod(殘疾)或開啟技能的使用關閉(- skills_off),所以玩家不能使用他們的技能,但他們仍然可以積累經驗。由於殘疾和- skills_off,PokeMod不預先緩存的任何模式,聲音,或精靈,這樣你仍然可以發揮巨大的地圖,例如fun_allinone。

pokemod.cfg- 在這裡你可以編輯 cvars為 PokeMod,將加載在地圖上啟動。您可以變更是否PokeMod是什麼管理上是需要PokeMod管理命令。如果你想改變這個文件值的遊戲,而不是使用正常CVaR的命令(amx_cvar)使用新的pm_cvar命令,它會保存到文件中。
safari.cfg-在Safari模式,寵物小精靈給出一個設定的水平,這是你設置的水平。如果設置為 0,那麼沒有人可以使用這個寵物小精靈在Safari模式。如果設置為負數,只有管理員可以使用此寵物小精靈在野生動物園模式。
#xp_table.ini的啟示 -超級英雄國防部,現在你可以輕鬆地改變了每個級別和層次有多少。 (請注意,您還必須更改定義 custom.inl如果你想超過 99級)



獻花 x2 回到頂端 [4 樓] From:台灣中華電信 | Posted:2011-02-16 21:58 |
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獻花 x0 回到頂端 [5 樓] From:香港和記電訊 | Posted:2011-02-16 22:11 |
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獻花 x0 回到頂端 [6 樓] From:臺灣中華電信 | Posted:2011-02-16 22:49 |
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獻花 x0 回到頂端 [7 樓] From:貴州 | Posted:2011-02-16 22:58 |
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獻花 x0 回到頂端 [8 樓] From:沒有資料 | Posted:2011-02-18 12:45 |
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只是字都密密麻麻看不懂= ="



獻花 x0 回到頂端 [9 樓] From:台灣教育部 | Posted:2011-02-18 13:09 |

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