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1. ____________ twelve can be divided by 2,3,4 and six.
(a)Number (b)A number (c)The number (d)Numbers

2. (a) The whole family are going to meet their guests.
     (b) My family consist of ten members.
     (c) I have large family.
     (d) His family is different in their opinions about this matter.

3. We had _________ on that day.
    (a) fine weather (b) a fine weather (c) fine climate (d) a fine climate

4.She _________ down for a nap this morning.
   (a) lays          (b) lay        (c) laid         (d)lies

5.The creature in the novel is an alien _________ language no one understands.
    (a) whom        (b) which          (c)that           (d)whose

6. All victims were found , _ ..

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献花 x0 回到顶端 [楼 主] From:台湾台湾大哥大 | Posted:2010-10-05 11:45 |
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4.She _________ down for a nap this morning.
  (a) lays       (b) lay     (c) laid       (d)lies


Lie   也是「放置」而且也有「平躺、平放」的意思,但是它是不及物动词,强调「处于休息的位置」,动词三态为:lie—lay—lain,过去分词为 lying。

(a) lays ==>现在式,意思是指「放在某个面上

(b) lay ==>过去式,强调「处于休息的位置」

(c) laid==>过去式,意思是指「放在某个面上

(d) lies ==>说谎,lie(说谎) lied lied

献花 x0 回到顶端 [1 楼] From:台湾新世纪资通 | Posted:2010-10-05 12:27 |
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1. ____________ twelve can be divided by 2,3,4 and six.
(a)Number (b)A number (c)The number (d)Numbers

the + 可数名词(单 / 复数) / 不可数名词 >> (指特定对象)那;这

(a) number >> 数字;号码;总数;算术

献花 x0 回到顶端 [2 楼] From:台湾新世纪资通 | Posted:2010-10-05 12:33 |
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14. Water _________ hydrogen and oxygen .
(a) composed of (b) is made up of     (c) contain       (d) consist of

(a) composed of ==>Be composed of 由….所组成的

(b) is made up of==>由….所组成的

(c) contain ==>vt. (及物动词 transitive verb)
1. 含有,包含,装,盛,(车辆等)容纳,载

2. 等于,折合
A pound contains 16 ounces. 1

3. 抑制(愤怒),克制;阻止
He could not contain his anger [contain himself for anger].

4. [军] 牵制
a containing attack [force]

5. [数] (边)夹(角),包围(图形);可被(某数)除尽
a contained angle
10 contains 5 and 2. 10

(d) consist of ==># vi. (不及物动词 intransitive verb)
1. (由不同部分、要素)组成,构成
Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.
The committee consists of five members.

2. [古] (靠…)存在

3. 存在于,在于
Happiness consists in contentment.

4. (与…)并存,一致
Health does not consist with intemperance.

献花 x0 回到顶端 [3 楼] From:台湾新世纪资通 | Posted:2010-10-05 15:09 |
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2. (a) The whole family are going to meet their guests.
  (b) My family consist of ten members.
  (c) I have large family.
  (d) His family is different in their opinions about this matter.

A and B -- family 可视为单数(美式)或复数(英式)
要看是美式 (family做单数) 用法还是英式 (family 做复数) 用法
  C 不正确-- I have a large family.
  D 要改成 : His family are different in their . . .
    ---- 既然用their就表示his family是复数了!

3. We had _________ on that day.
  (a) fine weather (b) a fine weather (c) fine climate (d) a fine climate
Ans:(a) fine weather
29th. Today we had fine weather.

4.She _________ down for a nap this morning.
  (a) lays       (b) lay     (c) laid       (d)lies
Ans:(b) lay
(1) lie, lied, lied, lying (v) 说谎 (n) 谎言
Ex: He lied to me.
Ex: He told a lie.

(2)lie, lay, lain, lying (v) 躺; 位于
Ex: He lay on the sofa.
Ex: The remedy lies in education.

(3)lay, laid, laid, laying (v) 下蛋; 放置
Ex: The hen laid three eggs yesterday.
Ex: Please lay the books on the desk.

5.The creature in the novel is an alien _________ language no one understands.
  (a) whom     (b) which       (c)that       (d)whose

某人或某物的;who与 which的单复数所有格

6. All victims were found , _____________ .
  (a) the driver include     (b) the iver including       (c) included the driver       (d) the driver included
Ans:(d) the driver included
这一题是说: 所有的受害者被发现了、被找到了, 包括了驾驶员。
因此,驾驶员是 "被" 包括在里面的, 所以用included,
是include的过去分词, 被动状态。
(1)S.+v. ,including+人/物

Ten people were killed, including the driver.

(2)s.+v., inclusive of +人/物

Ten people were killed, inclusive of the driver.

(3)s.+v. , 人/物 include

Ten people were killed, the driver included.

7.By the time we meet again, summer __________ .
  (a) has arrived       (b) had arrived         (c) is arriving       (d) will have arrived
Ans:(d) will have arrived
{By} the time we meet again, summer (will have) [arrived].

by 是未来式的表态,意思是到 XX 时候(之后)。到我们下次见面的时候,夏天将会已经来临了。「夏天来临」这件事,到我们下次见面的时候,会是「已经发生的事」了。所以要用「未来(下次见面时)完成式(夏天已经来了)」 「未来完成式 (will have + PP)」

---> 「当我们再见时,夏天即会到来」这明显是未来式,所以 A (现在完成式) B (过去完成式) C (现在进行式)都不对.D (未来完成式)才是正确


8.Don't worry.   If he said he _________ help you , he will .
  (a) shall       (b) will       (c) would       (d) ought
Ans:(c) would
这一题则是在 if 子句用过去式 said, 那它当受词的名词子句中的助动词当然也要用过去式的 would 了, 这句话只要翻译一下就明白了: 不必担心, 假如他 (当时) 说会帮你, 那他就一定会帮的 (未来式)

9. On _________ by the teacher , Tom confessed his mistakes .
  (a) questioned       (b) questioning       (c) being questioned         (d) being questioning
Ans:(c) being questioned  

on 因为在这一个事件上,要看前后文

ex: On being questioned by the police, Sam confessed the crime he committed.

After being questioned for a while , Tom eventully admitted that he has done something wrong. 在被质问一阵子之后,Tom最后终于承认做错事。

10. Paula __________ a rich merchant .
    (a) married         (b) married to         (c) was married by       (d)was married with
Ans:(a) married
(1) to marry (someone) 嫁、娶某人
She married John last year. 她去年嫁给 John 了。
(2)to get married to (someone) 嫁给、娶了某人
She got married to someone named Frank. 她嫁给一个叫 Frank 的人。

(3)to get married 结婚
My best friend got married last weekend. 我最好的朋友上个周末结婚了。

(4)to be married 结婚了
I am married. 我已经结婚了。

(5)to be married (to someone) 与某人结婚了
I've been married to my wife for nearly 20 years. 我跟我太太已经结婚将近二十年了。

(6)to be married with children,是表示「已经结婚生子了」。
She's married with children to Joey. 她和 Joey 已经结婚,并有孩子了。
参自: http://daisyland.tierra...glish.htm

11. These machines ought __________ once a year .
    (a) to be inspected         (b) to inspect         (c) be inspected       (d) inspect
Ans:(a) to be inspected

ought to +原动的意思是指应当做的事(表义务责任)

inspected inspected inspecting
vt. 及物动词
1.      检查; 审查
They inspected the roof for leaks. 他们检查了屋顶看看是否有漏隙。
2.      检阅; 视察
Health Department officials came to inspect the factory. 卫生部的官员来视察这个工厂。
vi. 不及物动词
1.      进行检查; 进行视察

12. They say the examination ____________ over again .
    (a) has to be taken       (b) has taken         (c) took           (d) takes
Ans:(a) has to be taken
has to be taken 指的是 examination为主词。

13. Paula __________ to be a beauty .
    (a) says       (b) said       (c) is saying       (d) is said
Ans:(d) is said

is said to be

[ 此文章被7104973在2010-10-06 23:31重新编辑 ]

宠物是你前世的好朋友,你们的相遇,从来都不是巧合。它们以爱和智慧,协助我们完成生命的课题。~~~玛德莲.沃尔克(Madeleine Walker)
献花 x0 回到顶端 [4 楼] From:台湾威宝电信 | Posted:2010-10-06 23:25 |

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