[一般] 给老婆的礼物
Three men are sitting at a bar and are discussing what present they bought for their wives. 三个男人正在酒吧中讨论他们买给自己老婆的礼物。
The first says: "i bought something which goes from 0 to 100 in 6 seconds" 第一个男人说:「我买了一个可以在六秒内从0到100的东西」
The other 2 guys don't know what he's talking about so he reveals "i bought her a nice Porche" 另两个男人不知道他指的是什么,所以他揭露答案:「我买给我老婆一 台相当不错的 保时捷」
The second guy says: "i bought something which goes from 0 to 100 in 4 seconds 第二个男人也说:「我买了个可以在四秒内从0到100的东西。」
"That HAS to be a Ferrari - right? " 「那一定是法拉利,对吧?」
"Yeah thats right! i bought my wife a nice red Ferrari" 答对了!我买给我老婆一台相当棒的红色法拉利」
The third one says " i bought my wife something which goes from 0 to 100 in just 2 seconds 第三个男人开口说:「我买给我老婆一个在两秒内从0-100的东西。」
"THAT CAN'T BE - The Ferrari is the fastest car in the world?!" 「不可能的!法拉利是世界上最快的车种了!」
"Well - it's not a car, but ..." 「恩...那不是一台车啦...那是.....」 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 体重计
满幽默的,笑一笑吧! 如有重复请删文,谢谢!