自動販賣機進化史 2,000 Years of Vending Machines
2,000 Years of Vending Machines
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自動販賣機進化史 2,000 Years of Vending Machines
目錄 / Tips in Use 重點解析 / You Can Do This 英文試金石 / 中文翻譯
追根究底|本集 精彩教學影片(講解老師:Bruce & Antony 老師)
Anything you desire can be found in vending machines.
Vending machines are not new inventions. In fact, a man named Hero of Alexandria invented the first vending machine nearly 2,000 years ago. He was a Greek inventor whose vending machine was built for a temple. People could put a coin in the machine, and then holy water would come flowing out.
Since that time, vending machines have spread around the world. In 1867, the first fully automatic vending machine was built in England. It was designed to sell postage stamps. In the early 1920s, vending machines could release soda into cups. Coca-Cola was the first drink company to start selling bottled drinks in vending machines.
Coffee vending machines were invented in 1946. By 1984, vending machines could even grind coffee beans and provide fresh, hot coffee. To this day, drinks are still one of the most popular items found in vending machines.
Vending machines continue to get more advanced. Old vending machines only accepted coins. Now, they can take bills, credit cards, or even digital payments.
Words in Use
grind [graɪnd]
.vt. & vi. 研磨,磨碎;磨(牙)
n. 苦差事(恆為單數);書呆子
invention [ɪnˋvɛnʃən]
n. 發明(不可數);發明物(可數)
invent [ɪnˋvɛnt]
vt. 發明;捏造(= make up)
desire [dɪˋzaɪr]
n. 欲望
vt. 渴望,想要
automatic [͵ɔtəˋmætɪk]
a. 自動的
holy [ˋholɪ]
a. 神聖的
inventor [ɪnˋvɛntɚ]
n. 發明家
advanced [ədˋvænst]
a. 先進的;進階的;年高的
Practical Phrases
credit card 信用卡
a vending machine 販賣機
holy water 聖水
postage stamp 郵票
Henry stuck a postage stamp on the envelope.
a digital payment 數位支付
Tips in Use 重點解析
♦ 關係代名詞所有格 whose
本文第一段中的 “whose vending machine was built for a temple” 為關係代名詞所有格 whose 引導的形容詞子句, 修飾先行詞 inventor。
whose 作關係代名詞所有格時,須遵守下列原則:
a. whose 之前要有先行詞(可為人、動物或事物);
b. whose 後面的名詞要作形容詞子句中的主詞或受詞。
例:The little boy whose bike was stolen cried for most of the morning.
例:I once had a dog whose name was Peggy.
例:Larry recently bought a car, whose color I don’t like.
You Can Do This 英文試金石
__❶ Justin has long desired to
__❷ The telephone was invented
__❸ When you walk in front of the automatic doors,
A. by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876.
B. they open up automatically.
C. you should raise your hands.
D. set up a company of his own.
答案:1. D 2. A 3. B
自動販賣機並不是新發明。事實上,一位名叫「亞歷山大港的海 龍」的男人在將近兩千年前發明了第一臺自動販賣機。他是一名希臘 發明家,他的自動販賣機是為一座神殿建造的。人們可以投一枚硬幣 到機器裡,然後聖水就會流出來。
從那時起,自動販賣機開始遍布世界各地。1867 年,第一臺全 自動販賣機在英國被打造出來。它被設計來販售郵票。在 1920 年代 早期,自動販賣機可以將汽水倒進杯子裡。可口可樂是第一間開始在 自動販賣機內賣瓶裝飲料的飲料公司。
咖啡自動販賣機在 1946 年被發明出來。到了 1984 年,自動販 賣機甚至可以磨咖啡豆並提供現煮的熱咖啡。時至今日,飲料依然是 自動販賣機裡最受歡迎的品項之一。
自動販賣機持續變得更加先進。以前的自動販賣機只接受硬幣。 現在,它們可以接受紙鈔、信用卡,或甚至數位支付。
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