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大自然的暗器!危機四伏的沙盒樹 Nature’s Most Dangerous Tree: The Sandbox Tree
Nature’s Most Dangerous Tree: The Sandbox Tree
#植物 #環境·保育 #國外
9/12 生活英語
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大自然的暗器!危機四伏的沙盒樹 Nature’s Most Dangerous Tree: The Sandbox Tree

目錄 / Tips in Use 重點解析 / You Can Do This 英文試金石 / 中文翻譯
探索自然 |本集 精彩教學影片(講解老師:Chris & Antony 老師)

Learn about one of the world’s strangest plants.

  The sandbox tree is a large tree that is native to South America. It can grow up to 40 meters tall in the right conditions. Their wide canopy of soft, thin leaves can also be inviting. However, it’s best to keep your distance because the sandbox tree can be quite dangerous.

  The sandbox tree is covered in tiny spikes. These spiky thorns are a warning for humans and animals to stay away. The tree’s sap is also poisonous. In the past, native tribes in the Amazon rainforest used the sap to create poison for their arrows. In modern times, the sap has been used to make tear gas, which can temporarily cause blindness and breathing difficulties.

  The danger doesn’t end there. The scariest part of the sandbox tree is its fruit. Though they look like tiny pumpkins, don’t let their appearance fool you. Once the fruit matures and falls from the tree, it becomes a ticking time bomb. When it dries, it will explode and shoot lots of tiny seeds at 250 kilometers per hour in all directions. This force can cause serious injuries to anyone nearby. This is why sandbox trees should never be planted anywhere near people.

Words in Use

warning [ˋwɔrnɪŋ]

n. 警告

tribe [traɪb]

n. 部落

arrow [ˋæro]

n. 箭;箭頭(符號)

temporarily [ˋtɛmpə͵rɛrəlɪ]

adv. 暫時地

explode [ɪkˋsplod]

vi. 激增
vt. & vi. 爆炸,炸掉

injury [ˋɪndʒərɪ]

n. (身體)傷害(可數);(名譽)損壞(不可數)
Extra Words

canopy [ˋkænəpɪ]
n. 樹冠層

spike [spaɪk]
n. (數量或比率的)激增

spiky [ˋspaɪkɪ]
a. 尖的

thorn [θɔrn]

n. 刺

sap [sæp]
n. 樹汁

poisonous [ˋpɔɪznəs]

a. 有毒的

mature [məˋtjʊr]

adj. 成熟的
vi. 成熟
Practical Phrases

be native to + 地方 是某地所獨有的
This kind of bird is native to that island.

keep one´s distance 保持距離
The paint is still wet, so please keep your distance.

Tips in Use 重點解析

♦ once 作副詞連接詞與副詞的用法

1. 作副詞連接詞

once 當副詞連接詞時,表「一旦∕一……(就……)」,等於 as soon as,如第一天文章中第三段的用法。

例 We headed outside once the rain stopped.


2. 作副詞

a. once 當副詞時,可表「曾經,一度」,如第二天文章中最後一段的用法。

例 My grandmother was once a fashion model.


b. once 當副詞時,也可表「一次」,可單獨使用或以下列句構表達事情發生的頻率:

once a / every + 時間單位(day, week, month, year 等)

例 Gary has only been to Japan once.


例 Emma waters her plant once a day.


You Can Do This 英文試金石


❶ What is the purpose of the thorns on the sandbox tree?

(A) To keep animals from getting close.

(B) To make it easier for animals to climb up it.

(C) To make the tree look more beautiful.

(D) To draw in animals to spread its seeds.

❷ Why is the fruit of the sandbox tree described as a ticking time bomb?

(A) Because it makes sounds like a clock.

(B) Because it looks like a bomb.

(C) Because it can burst suddenly.

(D) Because it has been used to scare people.

答案: 1. A   2. C





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