請問如何判斷 ScrollBar 拉到最下方?

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引用 | 編輯 綠茶三頭犬
2012-07-24 09:41
推文 x0
我是用 TextBox 來進行捲軸,目的就像一些安裝程式
必須將用戶 ..

訪客只能看到部份內容,免費 加入會員

獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 zsx123665
2012-07-24 14:49

獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 綠茶三頭犬
2012-07-24 19:33
差點認不到你 A_A

獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 zsx123665
2012-07-25 06:51
vb.net 的話我只能試試看

獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 綠茶三頭犬
2012-07-25 13:26
正常應該是很難的 0.0

獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 ebolaman
2012-07-25 23:02
• Solution : 使用 API : GetScrollInfo

TextBox 預設沒有 Scroll 的觸發事件,比較難開發

如果改成 RichTextBox,就有 VScroll (垂直捲動,水平捲動是 HScroll) 的觸發事件,

再來用 API 去處理判斷是否捲動到最後一行

以你的需求,底下的程式碼要改成 加上一個 Boolean 值記錄是否已經捲動到最後一行

捲動到最後一行的瞬間,即啟動 下一步 的按鈕,或是改變某個記錄的變數值,

好讓 點按鈕後 知道使用者是否已捲動到最後一行

▼ 捲動前

▼ 捲動到最後一行,以下的事件都會觸發

(1) 滑鼠拖曳 Scrollbar 到最後一行

(2) 文字選取使 Scrollbar 捲動到最後一行

(3) 點方向鍵 ↓ 使 Scrollbar 捲動到最後一行

• 方法 :

使用 API 函數 GetScrollInfo() 記錄資料到 SCROLLINFO Structure 後

再用 si.nPos / (si.nMax - si.nPage) 得到 Scrollbar 的 ratio (0 代表第一行、1 代表最後一行)

ratio 大於 1 則代表捲動到最後一行

• 程式碼 (VB 2010) :

將以下程式碼貼到一個 Form 中

需要 1 個 RichTextBox 物件,命名為 "RichTextBox1"

'[Info.] The following codes show how to detect an event that 
' user scroll the scrollbars in a RichTextBox to the end
' *Required controls :
' 1x Form
' 1x RichTextBox named as "RichTextBox1"

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

Public Class Form1

    '========== API ==========

    <StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)> Public Structure SCROLLINFO
        Public cbSize As Integer
        Public fMask As Integer
        Public nMin As Integer
        Public nMax As Integer
        Public nPage As Integer
        Public nPos As Integer
        Public nTrackPos As Integer
    End Structure

    Public Declare Function GetScrollInfo Lib "user32" Alias "GetScrollInfo" ( _
    ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, _
    ByVal nBar As Integer, _
    <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Struct)> ByRef lpScrollInfo As SCROLLINFO) As Integer

    Private Const SB_HORZ As Integer = 0
    Private Const SB_VERT As Integer = 1
    Private Const SIF_RANGE As Integer = &H1
    Private Const SIF_PAGE As Integer = &H2
    Private Const SIF_POS As Integer = &H4
    Private Const SIF_DISABLENOSCROLL As Integer = &H8
    Private Const SIF_TRACKPOS As Integer = &H10

    '========== Records ==========

    Dim var_last_scrollbarRatio As Double 'Record last scrollbard ratio, used in 'check_scrollbar_ratio()' func.

    '========== Functions ==========

    '\brief     Get user-defined scrollbar info
    '\param     ByVal hwnd As System.IntPtr     |   Handle of object
    '           ByVal iMode As Integer          |   Mode (Integer)
    '           ByRef si As SCROLLINFO          |   'SCROLLINFO' structure
    '\return    Result of 'GetScrollInfo' API func.
    Private Function get_scrollbarInfo(ByVal hwnd As System.IntPtr, ByVal iMode As Integer, _
                                       ByRef si As SCROLLINFO) As Integer

        Dim iRst As Integer 'Result

        With si
            .fMask = SIF_ALL
            .cbSize = Len(si)

            iRst = GetScrollInfo(hwnd, iMode, si)
        End With

        Return iRst

    End Function

    '\brief     Get scrollbar value/max (Ratio)
    '\param     ByRef si As SCROLLINFO          |   'SCROLLINFO' structure
    '\return    Double type : 0 ~ 1, 0 as first line, 1 as last line
    Private Function get_scrollbarRatio(ByRef si As SCROLLINFO) As Double

        If 0 <> (si.nMax - si.nPage) Then
            Return si.nPos / (si.nMax - si.nPage)
            Return 0
        End If

    End Function

    '\brief     Check scrollbar ratio (User-defined)
    Private Sub check_scrollbar_ratio()

        Dim si As SCROLLINFO
        Dim iRst As Integer
        Dim dRatio As Double

        iRst = get_scrollbarInfo(RichTextBox1.Handle, SB_VERT, si)
        dRatio = get_scrollbarRatio(si)
        '' Debug.Print("Scrollbar ratio : " & dRatio) '_DEBUG_

        'Ratio must exceed 1 and it's not equal to last recorded ratio
        ' and last recorded ratio is lower than 1
        ' (Means that there are two states : one is not scrolled to the end, and otherwise)
        If dRatio >= 1 And dRatio <> var_last_scrollbarRatio And var_last_scrollbarRatio < 1 Then
            MessageBox.Show("You have scrolled to last line !!", "Scrollbar said", _
                            MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
        End If

        'Record last ratio
        var_last_scrollbarRatio = dRatio

    End Sub

    '========== Object events ==========

    Private Sub RichTextBox1_VScroll(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RichTextBox1.VScroll


    End Sub

End Class

by Ebola

獻花 x1