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引用 | 編輯 vr3000
2011-10-19 18:41
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 Although the farmers had to work in the mud, they were all pleased,          ..

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引用 | 編輯 mine0605
2011-10-20 11:40
 相同的主詞同時做兩個動作,一個動作用簡單式,另一個動作用分詞表示:

Although the farmers had to work in the mud, they were all pleased, and said the rain had come in the nick of time.
= Although the farmers had to work in the mud, they were all pleased, saying the rain had come in the nick of time.

Although the farmers had to work in the mud, they were all pleased and said the rain had come in the nick of time.
= Although the farmers had to work in the mud, they were all pleased, saying the rain had come in the nick of time.

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