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2010-08-20 15:24
推文 x1
作品名稱 : YAHOO即時通補助

作品說明 : 有抓取大頭貼、狀態輪播、封鎖、多開,並使用VB6撰寫

原始碼 表單:
Const HKEY_CURRENT_USER = &H80000001 
Const REG_DWORD = 4 
Const s = "Software\Yahoo\pager\Test" 

Private Declare Function RegOpenKey Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegOpenKeyA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String, phkResult As Long) As Long 
Private Declare Sub RegCloseKey Lib "advapi32.dll" (ByVal hKey As Long) 
Private Declare Sub RegSetValueEx Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegSetValueExA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String, ByVal Reserved As Long, ByVal dwType As Long, lpData As Any, ByVal cbData As Long) 
Private Declare Sub RegDeleteValue Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegDeleteValueA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String) 

Dim ch, rh As Boolean 
Dim ti As Integer 
Dim yahoo As New Messenger2 
Private Sub Combo1_Change() 
If Val(Combo1.Text) < 5 Or 100 < Val(Combo1.Text) Then 
ch = Not ch 
If ch = True Then 
MsgBox "範圍錯誤", , "Error" 
Combo1.Text = "" 
End If 
End If 
End Sub 
Private Sub Command1_Click() 
If Check1.Value = 0 Then 
List1.AddItem 0 & Text1.Text 
List1.AddItem 1 & Text1.Text 
End If 
List1.ListIndex = List1.NewIndex 
End Sub 
Private Sub Command10_Click() 
Timer2.Interval = 200 
Timer2.Enabled = True 
Timer3.Interval = 5000 
Timer3.Enabled = True 
End Sub 
Private Sub Command11_Click() 
Label3.Caption = Text3 
End Sub 
Private Sub Command12_Click() 
MsgBox "輸入帳號然後按鎖定在按封鎖 ! 就OK .", vbOKOnly, "說明" 
End Sub 
Private Sub Command2_Click() 
On Error GoTo f 
List1.RemoveItem List1.ListIndex 
End Sub 
Private Sub Command3_Click() 
Timer1.Interval = Val(Combo1.Text) * 1000 
Timer1.Enabled = True 
End Sub 
Private Sub Command4_Click() 
Timer1.Enabled = False 
End Sub 
Private Sub Command5_Click() 
    If List1.ListIndex = -1 Then 
        List1.ListIndex = List1.ListCount - 1 
        Exit Sub 
    End If 
    If List1.ListIndex = 0 Then 
        Exit Sub 
    End If 
    TmpStr = List1 
    TmpSqr = List1.ListIndex 
    List1.RemoveItem List1.ListIndex 
    List1.AddItem TmpStr, TmpSqr - 1 
    List1.ListIndex = TmpSqr - 1 
End Sub 
Private Sub Command6_Click() 
    If List1.ListIndex = -1 Then 
        List1.ListIndex = 0 
        Exit Sub 
    End If 
    If List1.ListIndex = List1.ListCount - 1 Then 
    Exit Sub 
End If 
    TmpStr = List1 
    TmpSqr = List1.ListIndex 
    List1.RemoveItem List1.ListIndex 
    List1.AddItem TmpStr, TmpSqr + 1 
    List1.ListIndex = TmpSqr + 1 
End Sub 
Private Sub Command7_Click() 
Dim h& 
    RegOpenKey HKEY_CURRENT_USER, s, h 
    RegSetValueEx h, "plural", 0, REG_DWORD, 1&, 4 
    RegCloseKey h 
End Sub 
Private Sub Command8_Click() 
Dim r&, h& 
    r = RegOpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, s, h) 
    If r = 0 Then RegDeleteValue h, "plural" 
    RegCloseKey h 
End Sub 
Private Sub Command9_Click() 
URL = "http://img.msg.yahoo.com/avatar.php?yids=" & Text2 
WebBrowser2.Navigate URL 
WebBrowser2.Visible = True 
URL2 = "[url=http://opi.yahoo.com/online?m=g&t=0&l=tw&u]http://opi.yahoo.com/online?m=g&t=0&l=tw&u[/url]=" & Text2 
WebBrowser1.Navigate URL2 
WebBrowser1.Visible = True 
End Sub 
Private Sub Form_Load() 
MsgBox "歡迎使用本程式 作者即時通:s9652387 ", 64, "(!)" 
Shell "explorer http://www.wretch.cc/blog/s9652387" 
WebBrowser3.Navigate "https://login.yahoo.com" 
WebBrowser2.Visible = False 
'WebBrowser2.Navigate "about:Tabs" 
WebBrowser1.Visible = False 
'WebBrowser1.Navigate "about:Tabs" 
Dim kbf As String 
rh = True 
On Error GoTo fff 
Dim a, b, c As String 
For i = 5 To 60 
Combo1.AddItem i 
If Dir(App.Path & "\save.ini") <> "" Then 
rh = False 
Open App.Path & "\save.ini" For Input As #3 
Line Input #3, a 
Close #3 
b = Mid(a, Len(a) - 1, 2) 
If b <> "00" Then 
Open App.Path & "\save.ini" For Input As #1 
For aa = 0 To b - 1 
Line Input #1, c 
kbf = Mid(c, 1, Len(c) - 2) 
List1.List(aa) = kbf 
Close #1 
End If 
End If 
Close #1 
Close #3 
End Sub 
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) 
Dim lic As String 
Select Case ListCount 
Case Is < 10 
lic = "0" & List1.ListCount 
End Select 
If Check2.Value = 1 Then 
Open App.Path & "\save.ini" For Output As #2 
For aa = 0 To List1.ListCount 
Print #2, List1.List(aa) & lic 
Close #2 
End If 
End Sub 
Private Sub Label1_Click() 
  Shell "Explorer http://www.wretch.cc/blog/s9652387", vbNormalFocus 
End Sub 
Private Sub Timer1_Timer() 
If ti >= List1.ListCount Then 
ti = 0 
Exit Sub 
End If 
NoReturn (yahoo.Me.Status.SetCustomStatus(Mid(List1.List(ti), 2, Len(List1.List(ti)) - 1), Mid(List1.List(ti), 1, 1), Null, Null)) 
ti = ti + 1 
End Sub 
Sub NoReturn(a) 
End Sub 
Private Sub Timer2_Timer() 
WebBrowser3.Document.getElementById("username").Value = Label3 
WebBrowser3.Document.getElementById("passwd").Value = Text4 
End Sub 
Private Sub Timer3_Timer() 
Label4.Caption = "以封鎖" 
End Sub 
Private Sub WebBrowser2_DocumentComplete(ByVal pDisp As Object, URL As Variant) 
    If Not WebBrowser2.Document Is Nothing Then WebBrowser2.Document.body.Style.overflow = "hidden" 
End Sub 
Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentComplete(ByVal pDisp As Object, URL As Variant) 
    If Not WebBrowser1.Document Is Nothing Then WebBrowser1.Document.body.Style.overflow = "hidden" 
End Sub 

還有模組的程式碼,可是我貼不上來 就請下載原始碼看囉


[此文章售價 2 雅幣已有 35 人購買]

獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 Taiko
2010-08-20 16:55
來用用看 希望好用~ 表情
不過大致上這個不知道有何用處.... 表情

獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 三仙
2010-08-20 19:09

圖 1.

圖 2.

圖 3.

下面是引用 qewr1593 於 2010-08-20 15:24 發表的 即時通補助,第一次做: 到引言文
作品名稱 : YAHOO即時通補助
作品說明 : 有抓取大頭貼、狀態輪播、封鎖、多開,並使用VB6撰寫
原始碼 表單:
[code]Const HKEY_CURRENT_USER = &H80000001

在下的電腦無法正常表情 的開啟這支程式

獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 啊條o
2010-08-20 19:54
下面是引用 三仙 於 2010-08-20 19:09 發表的 : 到引言文

在下的電腦無法正常表情 的開啟這支程式


獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 冷場の小白喵
2010-12-25 11:56
用久會當掉   顯示有變 但事實上沒變(當掉之後)

獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 啊條o
2010-12-25 12:07
下面是引用 jksd5600 於 2010-12-25 11:56 發表的 : 到引言文
用久會當掉   顯示有變 但事實上沒變(當掉之後)

那好像等一陣子就可以改回來了 ???表情

獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 mss
2011-06-12 20:19
下面是引用 三仙 於 2010-08-20 19:09 發表的 : 到引言文

在下的電腦無法正常表情 的開啟這支程式

注意!請在專案中-引用項目勾選Yahoo! Messenger TypeLib

獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 aaaasszx
2011-10-09 20:55
其實如果可以研發抓隱藏的更好(損友一直躲我) 表情

獻花 x0