v1.582 Not displaying unicode correctly in English XP

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引用 | 編輯 Blue_Orca
2009-09-30 06:48
推文 x0
Not sure what happened but after I upgraded to v1.582 on my 紫微論命(簡繁專業版) in English Windows XP SP3, I had to change to "Chinese (Taiwan)" in "Language for non-Unicode programs" in Control Panel -> Regional and Language Options -> Advanced to get back 繁體字 on buttons and menus displayed correctly, otherwise I got "??" or "__".   I have not had to do this in the past and thought the program is written in unicode 100%.  Please help.  Thanks.


獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 mainchen
2009-09-30 08:46
NCC-900 系列是採用 Unicode 核心開發, 無法顯示中文是 Windows XP 設定的問題, 且與 non-Unicode 設定無關, 請閱讀下面文件: (此文件放在光碟片 Doc 目錄內)

檔名: zip Ncc900_英文XP中文設定.pdf   (2022-06-09 14:12 / 325 KB)  

獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 mainchen
2009-09-30 08:51
在未勾選 Install files for East Asian languages 項目, 無法看到中文, 如下圖:

在勾選 Install files for East Asian languages 項目, 即可看到中文, 如下圖:

獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 Blue_Orca
2009-09-30 09:12
I had East Asian languages installed and was running prior versions of the software ok for many months without any problems.  That's why I'm shocked to see the change after the upgrade to v1.582 today.  I tried changing to "Chinese (Taiwan)" in the non-unicode setting and the Chinese text on menus and buttons returned.  If I changed to "English (US)" the texts on menus and buttons became ?? and __ again.  Note only the texts on buttons and menus are affected, the texts in the charts, database, and rest of the program are displaying fine.  Any thoughts?


獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 mainchen
2009-09-30 09:31
下面是引用 Blue_Orca 於 2009-09-30 09:12 發表的 : 到引言文
I had East Asian languages installed and was running prior versions of the software ok for many months without any problems.  That's why I'm shocked to see the change after the upgrade to v1.582 today.  I tried changing to "Chinese (Taiwan)" in the non-unicode setting and the Chinese text on menus and buttons returned.  If I changed to "English (US)" the texts on menus and buttons became ?? and __ again.  Note only the texts on buttons and menus are affected, the texts in the charts, database, and rest of the program are displaying fine.  Any thoughts?

我找到問題了, 這是由系統參數內選擇 "外觀" 造成的, 請先將外觀關閉, 下版會修正此問題, 感謝您的指正.

獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 Blue_Orca
2009-09-30 09:45
I turned off "外觀" and it worked.  Thank you so much.


獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 mainchen
2009-10-02 18:46
下面是引用 Blue_Orca 於 2009-09-30 09:45 發表的 : 到引言文
I turned off "外觀" and it worked.  Thank you so much.

已修正於 v1.583 請下載更新即可.

獻花 x0