[02/23] 新PTR職業變更

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2008-02-24 07:20
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Class Changes

Nurturing Instinct was changed again also and now its just a 20% increase on healing for cat form rather than based off AP.
‧ Increase your healing by up to 50/100% of your Agility, and increases healing done to you by 10/20% while in Cat form.

- 治癒本能”天賦現在增加你的治療效果,相當於你敏捷值的50%/100%;同時在貓形態下增加你所受到的治療效果,增加10%/20%。

- New Improved Blink: For 2/4 (Rank 1/2) seconds after casting Blink, your chance to be hit by all attacks an ..

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