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引用 | 編輯 mrjk
2006-10-01 07:50
推文 x0
最近總算有點閒   看版上水有點少
他們有專門文翻譯ud官方新聞 雖然翻譯的不太好(很多地方跟本翻錯) 不過我覺得idea不錯
想在本區也發一帖方便沒時間上官網看公告的網友 順便練習一下自己破破的英文(有翻錯要指正喔)
先翻譯一下近五期的新聞 以後會隨這標題回文補上

2006 8月21日
Dear Members,

Here is the weekly status.

Rosetta (HPF) - The Rosetta job has been turned off. I wanted to leave this up to the individual members as to whether they still wished to run Rosetta (some like the screensaver), but some members were very vocal about having it turned off so that is what we did.

Cancer - As I mentioned before and someone confirmed with Inibox, we are rerunning the previous protein against the newest database from Oxford. This is not respinning old data for the sake of running something on Grid.org. I have deleted all of the previous jobs (1200, 600, 100 ligands) since they should have been processed by now. The newer 50 ligand WUs seem to be working for all. Some members have complained that they are processing too fast, but since we do not want to exclude members with slower machines, 50 ligands is what we are sticking with.

Thank you for your contribution.


在癌症的部份,如同我之前所說的和一些人從論壇裡所確認的:我們現在重新運算來自牛津的最新蛋白質資料(譯注:這批新資料最早時被切成1200ligands發包 ,但是跑太久了,後來改成600ligands還是太久,甚至連100ligands也被抱怨太久,所以現在切成50ligands重新發包) 我已經取消了所有(1200,600,100)任務回報的得分計算,因為照理它們現在應該都已被算完才對,現在的50ligands任務看起來運作順利 有些人抱怨這些(50ligands)任務太快被算完,不過我們為了不想排斥那些電腦速度較慢的用戶,往後將會維持50 ligands的任務

獻花 x2
引用 | 編輯 mrjk
2006-10-01 07:53
2006 8月28日
There is not much to report on this week. We continue to process cancer data and I think this is working for everyone.


獻花 x1
引用 | 編輯 mrjk
2006-10-01 07:54
2006 9月11日
Cancer Job - We continue to process the previous protein against the latest data from Inhibox. This is going pretty smoothly so there is not much to report.


獻花 x1
引用 | 編輯 mrjk
2006-10-01 08:01
2006 9月18日
Stats - The stats did not run for 9/15 as happens occassionally. I will manually rerun the stats job so hopefully these will be correct later in the day.

Connectivity - some members reported connectivity problems over the weekend. I am not aware of any issues that would have caused this. There may have been an issue with our ISP or something. In any case, everything should be working correctly now.



獻花 x1
引用 | 編輯 mrjk
2006-10-01 08:05
2006 9月25日
Grid.org status

Things appear to working pretty smoothly at the moment. Stats are up to date and I have not heard any more complaints about connectivity. The cancer jobs continue to run without crashes.


獻花 x1
引用 | 編輯 mrjk
2006-10-03 04:11
2006 10月2日

Here is the weekly status.
Cancer job - Nothing new to report. We continue to crunch through the data. I uploaded a new batch today so there should be new workunits available.

癌症任務 -無新事項報告,我們繼續消化運算這批資料,我今天上傳了新一批資料上去所以你們有些人應該開始算到新工作了

獻花 x1
引用 | 編輯 MaverickWu
2006-10-03 07:40
下面是引用mrjk於2006-10-3 04:11發表的 :
2006 10月2日

Here is the weekly status.
Cancer job - Nothing new to report. We continue to crunch through the data. I uploaded a new batch today so there should be new workunits available.


獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 mickey97
2006-10-03 19:07
又沒說明,兩天了   表情


再等等看 表情

獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 mrjk
2006-10-11 14:31
2006 10月9日
Here is the weekly status.

Cancer Job - No change. I did upload some new WUs late last week. Everything appears to be running smoothly.

Stats - We still have an issue with a couple of days of team stats - 10/5 and 10/8. I am going to manually kick off the rollup script so hopefully both will be fixed by tomorrow. As far as exactly why this occurs, I am not a mssqlserver expert (by far). Occassionally the stored procedure that does the work times out and does not complete. Nothing is lost and it is a simple matter to kick off the procedure again by hand so members should not panic about this.

Thank you for your contribution.


狀態統計的部份-在團隊狀態統計我們仍然有些狀況還沒有解決-(10/5和10/8), 我將會手動重啟rollup的程序希望明天就能將這兩問題一併解決;我不是msql似服器的專家,我無法經確的說明為什麼會發生這種事,不過大致上來說這是因為某個儲存的程序工作逾時且未完成它的工作,沒有任何資料損失而且只要簡單的將此程序重開就可解決問題,因此各位用戶不用對此事太過驚慌

獻花 x2
引用 | 編輯 月牙
2006-10-21 12:01

獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 MaverickWu
2006-10-24 00:52
這是10/23 3PM(台灣時間11PM)資料----
Dear Members,

Here is the weekly status.

Stats - We have an issue with stats currently. For some reason, the stats job keeps failing. We have not identified the problem yet. Nothing should be lost as far as points. We just need to get the job to run correctly to tally up all of the stats. I am not sure when this will be fixed so please be patient.


統計--目前我們在統計上有一個問題。由於種種原因, 統計工作持續故障。 我們目前尚未找出問題。 在分數上應該沒有任何遺失。我們需要得到工作正確地跑相符所有統計。這部份工作我不確定何時可以修復,所以請耐心等候。

獻花 x1
引用 | 編輯 mickey97
2006-10-24 01:23
希望能早日修護 表情

獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 mrjk
2006-10-28 10:08

Dear Members,

As you are probably aware, we have had some issues with stats recently. After a few days of manually running all of the jobs, the stats appear to be caught up. We did not encounter any errors when trying to run manually which is strange. Tomorrow we will see whether the stats are able to run automatically after the manual intervention (and a reboot for good measure). If not, we will continue to manually run the stats as we troubleshoot the issue further.

獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 mrjk
2006-12-25 07:31
Greetings and Happy Holidays!

First of all, on behalf of United Devices I’d like to thank each and every one of you for your steadfast support of this unique, invaluable resource. For the last several years, Grid.org has played an important role in some tremendously important research and it is the largest and most respected volunteer-based grid of its kind in existence. None of that would be possible without all of you!

We have some exciting information to convey concerning Grid.org status and plans – but before I do that, please allow me to express our sincere regret for the frustrations that some of you have been experiencing lately. During the past year we have had technical difficulties with Grid.org that have contributed to your frustrations, but we have changes planned that should significantly improve your experience.

These are some of the plan highlights we have for Grid.org in the coming months:

We will migrate the Grid.org software to the latest version. Planning for this is well underway, and the migration will begin in the first quarter of 2007! In the first quarter (Jan-Mar) of 2007, we’ll begin a Beta Program (see below) in preparation for the final upgrade to the new release. We will perform the entire upgrade to the new version by end of Q2 of 2007.

The following new features will be introduced with the latest version.

- Support for multi-processor and multi-core machines
- Support for cache ahead so that users can request multiple work units
- Enhanced non-intrusiveness options
- The possibility for members to generate their own tools, GUIs, and reports using a new Grid MP Agent API
- New look and feel for the Grid MP Agent GUI
- Improved support for Microsoft XP operating system – enhances support for multi-users and allows fast user switching
- Support for Microsoft Vista operating system (both 32-bit and 64-bit)
- Support for Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
- Overall performance improvements to the grid
- General defect repairs

Right now our outreach committee is actively working on reviewing and selecting new projects to run on the updated Grid.org software. The initial conversations we’ve been having look very promising and we should be ready to make an announcement about the selected project by end of Q1 2007, to launch in the May-June timeframe. Your active co-operation in the Beta program will be key toward expediting this process!

As mentioned above, we will implement a Beta program and ask for volunteers to help with Beta testing of the new system. This program will initially be implemented with a target of 100 volunteers as the first phase of the upgrade to the new version of Grid.org. The Beta program will run for several weeks and is intended to identify any deployment issues that might be lingering in the new version so we can resolve them prior to the upgrade of the entire member community. We will provide you with additional details and initiate a call for Beta volunteers shortly before we begin the program.

Thank you once again for your continued support of Grid.org. We’re looking forward to keeping you informed on status of the initiatives outlined above – visit this site regularly for more information.


Mary Bass
Directory of Marketing
United Devices, Inc.
Austin, Texas 78759

2006 12 11
首先,我要代表UD感謝大家長久以來堅定的付出你們無價的資源,在近幾年來,UD在這些巨大的研究計畫中扮演重要的角色,同時它也是目前最大的分散式運算計畫之一,當然 沒有你們的付出這些都不可能會達成!


3.增強non-intrusiveness 的選項   (譯按:不懂non-intrusiveness是什麼意思)
4.提供API 可支援使用者自訂GUI畫面或自己的外掛小程式等等的到UD程式上去

同時我們的委員會也正在審查要放在新版軟體上跑的新的PROJECT,我們將會在2007 Q1一起宣布是哪個新PROJECT被選定,然後在五到六月會正式丟下去RUN,你們在BETA版程式所給的意見會幫助這程式的改進



獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 relnuh
2006-12-26 19:54
它程式中給分基準的CPU-P4 1.5G現在不知道還有幾個人在用...XD


獻花 x0
引用 | 編輯 chaiwei528
2006-12-27 20:52

獻花 x0