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[PPC][其他] 光控鎖TouchLockPro v2.10.3 CAB英文版
TouchLockPro 是一款全面的新版 HTC 手機的鎖機程式.也適用於其他機型.

Here are some key features of "TouchLockPro":
· lock using the Power button, BattClock and/or Stylus Sensor
· auto-unlock by the Light Sensor
· unlock using triple touch of the Capacitive Sensor
· unlock and lock using Capacitive Sensor swipes, 8 (external) commands can be configured for the different swipe possibilities.
· unlock and lock using Stylus Sensor
· unlock and lock using Keyboard Slider Sensor
· unlock and lock by using GSENSOR orientation changes, 4 (external) commands can be configured for the different orientation sequences
· unlock when on AC/USB power
· auto-unlock at incoming call (you have a "Slide to Answer" on your phone): commandCallIncoming: !UNLOCK
· unlock by hardware key coupled to command "TouchLockAction.exe" unlock
· automatic SIP changer, dependent of the stylus and/or keyboard position
· Fixed problem that PhoneType could get the wrong value, locking up TouchLockAction
· Delete debug log files if they exists when no debug logging is enabled. So make sure to copy the debug log files, before disabling debugging.
· Merged BattClock 1.4 improvements into TouchLockPro.

[此文章售價 2 雅幣已有 27 人購買]

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:香港網上行 | Posted:2010-01-14 09:39 |
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獻花 x0 回到頂端 [1 樓] From:台灣中華電信 | Posted:2010-01-15 09:36 |

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