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Abandon 放棄
John abandoned himself to drinking after his wife died.

Abide 遵守
Everyone should abide by the law.

Abnormal 不正常的
The doctor said that the abnormal spot on my skin was not cancer.

Aboard 在(車,船,飛機)上
We went aboard the skip at 6:00 in the morning.

Abolish 廢除
That law is unjust;it must be abolished.

Aboriginal 原住民的
The aboriginal culture in Australia is very famous.

Abound 充滿
This river abounds with fish.

Absolute 絕對的
Are you absolutely sure that the answer is right?

Absorb 吸收
Be absorbed in 專注於…
Mary was absorbed in her book and didn’t hear me calling her name.

Abstract 抽象的
There are many abstract paintings in this museum.

Absurd 荒謬的
What he said is really absurd. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

Abuse 濫用
The young manager abused power and was kicked out of office.

Academic 學術的
John’s academic performance has been wonderful this year.

Academy 學院
Peter graduated from the military academy ten years ago.

Accelerate 加速
We should accelerate our company‘s production rate.

Accent 口音
He speaks English with a heavy Japanese accent.

獻花 x1 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:台灣中華電信 | Posted:2006-03-24 09:00 |
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Accept 接受
I cannot accept this. You shouldn’t have spent so much money.

Access 接近
Have access to 接觸到……
Students in this school have easy access to the lab.

Accident 意外
We uncovered the secret by accident.

Accompany 陪伴
Will you accompany me to the dance?

Accomplish 完成
A person of accomplishment 很有成就的人
Rachel hopes to accomplish many things in her lifetime.
We think highly of John because he is a man of accomplishment.

Accord 一致 意願
In accord with 與……一致
Of one’s accord 自願地
What he does is in accord with what he says.
The suspect surrendered to the police of his accord.

Accordingly 因此
Peter didn’t study;accordingly, he failed the test.

Account 帳戶 理由 說明
Open an account 開立帳戶
On account of 說明
Account for 說明
I’d like to open a savings account at the bank.
He failed on account of laziness.
Hard work accounts for his success.

Accumulate 累積
The snow accumulated during the night, and the city looked beautiful in the morning.
It is easy to accumulate credit card debts.

Accurate 準確的
Big Ben is said to keep accurate time.

Accuse 控告
Accuse sb of N/Ving
William was accused of cheating on the test.

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [1 樓] From:台灣中華電信 | Posted:2006-03-24 21:22 |

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