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Target; Microsoft sees Windows PE as an installation platform. Bart sees Windows PE as the next generation rescue platform.
OPK從名字你大概可以知道它是做啥的... WIN2K的OPK很小,但WINXP or WIN2K3的OPK就大了很多(因為引進了WINPE) 引用Bart Lagerweij的說法 [quote] Target; Microsoft sees Windows PE as an installation platform. Bart sees Windows PE as the next generation rescue platform.
我並不是說在裡頭添加檔案, 只是把它移出來, 其實我很想把它移到XP上面來但erd 2002的可以, 2003的會少檔案, 讓我覺得很神奇^^" 路徑都改過了也是如此...
我指的是在開機選單上執行, 不知道你有沒有嘗試過?^^