下面是引用pk01749276于2008-07-11 23:01发表的 这是自己做的乐透程式,可是还是布了解原理,请各位大大帮我解说一下:
[code]Option Explicit
Private Function GetNumber() As Integer
Randomize ' 对乱数产生器做初始化的动作。
GetNumber = Int((49 * Rnd) + 1) ' 产生 1 到 49 之间的乱数值。
Option Explicit
Private Function GetNumber() As Integer
Randomize ' 对乱数产生器做初始化的动作。
GetNumber = Int((49 * Rnd) + 1) ' 产生 1 到 49 之间的乱数值。
End Function
If IsNumeric(txt1.Text) Then
If Val(txt1.Text) > 0 And Val(txt1.Text) <= 10 Then
y = CInt(txt1.Text)
txt2.Text = Mathematics(y)
For nCnt = 1 To y
Do While nCnt2 < 6
nRet = GetNumber
If nCnt2 > 0 Then
blnExist = False
For nFor2 = 1 To nCnt2
If a(nCnt, nFor2) = nRet Then
blnExist = True
Exit For
End If
x = a(nCnt, 1) & " " & a(nCnt, 2) & " " & a(nCnt, 3) & " " & a(nCnt, 4) & " " & a(nCnt, 5) & " " & a(nCnt, 6) & " "
lstName.AddItem x