* The expansion is Northrend, etc, etc. -新的资料片区域是诺森德
* We will fight Arthas himself. -总BOSS是阿尔萨斯王子,而且他的幻像会出现在你从70级开始的大量新任务中.直到你正面对上这个恐怖的存在,他将一直让你意识到他的存在和可怕..
* Level cap is 80 (New skills, new talents, etc) -等级上限是80级(新技能,天赋)
* The expansion is designed for lvl 68 and higher players. -为68级或者更强的玩家设计(类似TBC的58级限制)
* The Death Knight class will be available for both alliance and horde players and it seems to work on the same mechanics as Jedi in SWG, you can create them once certain criteria are met. (First hero class of the game) -新职业:死亡骑士,部落联盟均可建立.类似绝地武士的职业系统,你需要先达到一定要求才能建立(职业前置:圣骑士!),第一个英雄职业.在满足了建立要求后你可以建立新的死亡骑士角色,出生时就会拥有很高等级.
* The Death Knight will combine damage dealing and tanking. -死亡骑士是伤害输出和坦克的混合体.
* Siege weapons and destructible buildings will be added to PvP -PVP里将增加攻城武器和大面积杀伤性建筑.
* A new battleground will be available -增加一个新战场.
* New profession : Inscription. (allows the player to permanently enhance their spells and abilities and to create mysterious items of power to use, trade, and sell.) -新专业:铭刻,允许玩家永久性的强化法术和技能,并创造魔法道具来使用/交易/出售.
* More hero classes will be added in the future -将来还有更多新英雄职业.
* Leveling from 70 to 80 should took nearly the same time as 60 to 70 (probably a bit more) -70级到80级和60-70的时间应该差不多(可能多一点)
* First zone will be Howling Fjord -出发区域为嚎叫港湾
* We should have roughly the same amount of dungeons as BC -新副本数量和TBC差不多.
[ 此文章被amore12在2007-08-07 12:40重新编辑 ]