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[虛擬主機][討論] 最穩定的一个國外ASP空間

Welcome to NoFeeHost

  Free Hosting for Life
  Instant Account Activation
  100MB Web Disk Space
  Active Server Pages (ASP) Support
  FTP Access Account
  Microsoft Access DataBase
  Online Control Panel
  WINDOWS 2003 IIS 6
  Redundant File Storage
  Redundant Internet Connections


Why NoFeeHost?

Our unmatched expertise enables us to provide the most reliable and stable web hosting for our customers' websites. Our hosting platform uses only the best available components to give you the performance you need for your hosted environment. We use only high-quality name brand components including hardware from Dell, Intel and Cisco. Our systems are comprised of dual processor Dell rack mount systems with dual power supplies and raid SCSI disk arrays. We monitor our network and systems 24/7/365, and have implemented the latest technology to immediately correct any systemic problems. Sign up now >>.


獻花 x0 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:浙江 | Posted:2008-05-30 17:02 |

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