转自PTT 作者 jwjw0513
有玩家称先打开微软媒体播放器[windows media player,WMP]然后登录WoW可显着增加魔
兽世界性能,包括数据载入速度和每秒帧数。有玩家指不需打开WMP只需打开DirectX开发包[DirectX SDK]中的\Samples\C++\Direct3D\Bin\x86 or x64\EmptyProject.exe即可达到同样效果。
http://forums.wow-europe.com/thread.htm...19&sid=1&pageNo=1 ]
The origin of this "performance boost" is quite simple. Almost all of the
applications are using system timers in some of the ways. This is a natural
way of telling the system "Hey! I wanna draw this thing in 5 milliseconds.
Now I'm going to sleep, wake me up in 5ms!". Windows has a thing called
multimedia timers. These are the only timers with a high precision and
predictability (up to 1ms resolution). By default these timers run with a
precision like 10ms. So if the application want to wait for something using a
Player is using documented Windows functions (timeBeginRange, timeEndRange)
which allow the system to boost the timers precision up to 1ms. You may ask
why Microsoft didn't set this by default for you, well... Increasing timers
resolution will cause your CPU to handle more interrupts and it will cause
greatly increased power consumption (especially in sleep modes). Usually most
of the applications don't really need such precision. So it is recommended
for the software developers to only use this function when they're have a lot
of heavy multimedia processing in their code.
Advanced Tips and Tricks:
FPSbooster or WMP: Here is a trick to boost the FPS of your server. Higher FPS will make the game run smoother. The higher the better, as long as youkeep it below 800 (when you go above 800, you will most likely find a lot ofunexplainable server issues. It is the high FPS, Im tellin you!). The secret to this trick is to simply open Windows Media Player (and keep it open) while your server runs. It will boost the fps to the max value set by fps_max. WMP uses a relatively high amount of resources though, which is why I prefer the srcdsfpsboost.exe program. It is only 37kb and does the job perfectly! Grab the file here.