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[学习] 一些简单英文问题
1   what do you think would be an ideal job or career for you ?

2   what hobbies do you enjoy ? are you a member of a club ? ehat is your favorite pastime?

3   have you done any traveling around your country? where? have you done any foreign travel?
  what places did you like best for taking a trip?

4   why do you want to study English?   would you like to be an interpreter?

5   do you think it's okay to ask personal questions like,"what is your age",height and weight?
  why or why not? can you guess your teacher's age?

6   what did you do during your (summer) vaction?

7   do you have any questions to ask the teacher? do you have any suggestions for this class?

8   how do you normally keep busy?

9   where do you live now?(house?

10 what are your plans for the future? is there anything you are looking forward to?

11 is there any information you would like to tell about yourself so your classmates can get acquainted with you?

12   does it pay to be modest? should a genius be modest?

13   what's a synonym for "humorous?" are you tolerant of stupid people?

14   what is the opposite of selfish? cautious? friendly?cheerful?

15   when do you flatter people? when do you criticize people?

16   have you ever had a mean teacher? what did she do?

17   which is better, a strict or easygoing parent? why?

18   is it a good idea to be stingy sometimes? when?

19   describe your own personality. are you very opinionated?

20   describe what a lazy student dose during the day. a diligent student?

21   what is an introvert?extrovert?which one are you?

不过某些句法我都搞不懂   不知道该怎么回答
想请教各位大大用比较简单的单字 文法 回答以上的问题
因为考试的题目跟这些类似   我想要参考以后   在自己做改良

恳请各位大大帮帮我   小弟很需要你们的帮忙
会多少题都没关系   只要有大大帮一题算一题   我也会继续努力搞懂这些题目的   拜托 大大请帮忙

献花 x0 回到顶端 [楼 主] From:台湾数位联合 | Posted:2006-03-26 16:11 |
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The poster only 表情

献花 x0 回到顶端 [1 楼] From:台湾 | Posted:2006-12-27 00:34 |

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