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[励志] 除灭蛆虫
灵命日粮 - 2005年4月11日
读经: 箴言3章19-26节


金句: 「要谨守真智慧和谋略,不可使她离开你的眼目。……你就坦然行路,不至碰脚。」(箴言3章21、23节)


全年读经: 诗篇1-3篇  



重点是要找出问题的症结,如此才能解决问题。当恐惧来临时,我们必须以「上帝的话」和「与耶稣基督建立起爱与信任的良好关系」为基础,做出智慧的选择。这就是除去「蛆虫」的方法。MRD II


Get Rid Of The Grubs

Read:Proverbs 3:19-26
Keep sound wisdom and discretion . . . . Then you will walk safely in your way. —Proverbs 3:21,23

Bible In One Year: Psalm 1-3

A frustrated homeowner had a yard full of moles. He tried everything he knew to defeat his underground enemy, but he was losing the battle. Finally a friend informed him that he was trying to solve his problem the wrong way. The moles weren't the true culprits. The real problem was the grubs that the moles were feeding on. Get rid of them and the moles would have no reason to stay.

The third chapter of Proverbs gives us a parallel situation. Instead of moles, the problem is fear—the kind of fear that robs us of strength during the day and sleep at night (vv.24-25).

What is also evident from this chapter is that we can eliminate our fears only by attacking the "grubs" that attract it. We must go after our self-sufficiency and irreverence (vv.5-8). We have to treat our evil and foolish ways with a strong application of divine wisdom and understanding (vv.13-18). Then and only then will fear lose its grip.

What's important is to know the real problem so that we can work on it. When it comes to fear, we must make wise decisions based on God's Word and build a love-trust relationship with Christ. That's what it takes to get rid of the "grubs." —Mart De Haan

When you are deeply troubled
By fear and inward doubt,
Strive to do what pleases God,
And He will lead you out. —Lloyd

Keep your eyes on God and you'll soon lose sight of your fears.

献花 x1 回到顶端 [楼 主] From:台湾中华电信 | Posted:2005-04-12 12:48 |

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